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2025 return to Top
Mensah V, Yashayaev I, Fujita K, Stephen E. L. Howell SEL, Ikeda M, and Ohshima KI
Freshwater Input climatology in the Baffin Bay and Labrador shelf and its interannual anomalies.
Busan IAMAS-IACS-IAPSO Joint Assembly, Busan, July 20-25, 2025, xxxDDJul.Sunako S, Fujita K, Sakai A, Abe T, Fukui K, Tsushima A, Minowa M, Gurung TR, Sato Y, Kayastha R, Kayastha RB
Dynamically constrained steady-state mass balance of Trambau Glacier, Eastern Nepal Himalaya.
Busan IAMAS-IACS-IAPSO Joint Assembly, Busan, July 20-25, 2025, xxxDDJul.江刺和音, 佐々木千晶, 鈴木利孝, 平林幹啓, 飯塚芳徳, 的場澄人, 藤田耕史
グリーンランドSE-Dome Iアイスコアの金属成分の解析.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 25-30, 2025, xxxDDMay.藤波初木, 藤田耕史, 高橋暢宏, 金森大成, 佐藤洋太, 砂子宗次朗, Shrestha D, Kayastha RB
Importance of meteorological observations at high altitude in the Himalayas: heavy rainfall event in Nepal at the end of September 2024.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 25-30, 2025, xxxDDMay.藤田耕史, 庭野匡思, 島田利元
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 25-30, 2025, xxxDDMay.小室悠紀, 中澤文男, 東久美子, 永塚尚子, 平林幹啓, 尾形純, 福田かおり, 栗田直幸, 藤田耕史, 米倉綾香, 北村享太郎, Rasmussen SO, Sinn G, Popp TJ, Dahl-Jensen D
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 25-30, 2025, xxxDDMay.服部祥平, Wei Z, 鶴田明日香, Jiang Z, 石野咲子, 藤田耕史, 的場澄人, Geng L, Lamothe A, 植村立, 吉田尚弘, 飯塚芳徳
Atmospheric nitrate isotope record from a SE-Dome ice core with minimal post-depositional alteration.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 25-30, 2025, xxxDDMay.永塚尚子, 東久美子, 長島佳菜, 藤田耕史, 小室悠紀, 平林幹啓, 尾形純, 福田かおり, 塚川佳美, 北村享太郎, 米倉綾香, 中澤文男, 大沼友貴彦, 栗田直幸, Rasmussen SO, Sinn G, Popp TJ, Dahl-Jensen D
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 25-30, 2025, xxxDDMay.Fujita K, Kayastha RB
Finding the turning point and main driver of a disappearing Himalayan glacier.
EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, April 27- May 2, 2025, xxxxDDApr/May.Goto-Azuma K, Ogawa-Tsukagawa Y, Fukuda K, Fujita K, Hirabayashi M, Dallmayr R, Ogata J, Moteki N, Mori T, Ohata S, Kondo Y, Koike M, Matoba S, Kadota M, Tsushima A, Nagatsuka N, Aoki T
Biomass burning over the past 350 years: insights from high-resolution analysis of black carbon particles in a northwestern Greenland ice core.
EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, April 27- May 2, 2025, xxxxDDApr/May.Jouberton A, Shaw T, Miles ES, Kneib M, Fugger S, McCarthy M, Sato Y, Fujita K, Pellicciotti P
Reconstructing the water balance of selected glacierized catchments in High Mountain Asia since 1970.
EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, April 27- May 2, 2025, xxxxDDApr/May.Nishimura M, Aoki T, Niwano M, Matoba S, Tanikawa T, Yamasaki T, Yamaguchi S, Fujita K
Quality-controlled meteorological datasets from SIGMA automatic weather stations in northwest Greenland, 2012–2020.
EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, April 27- May 2, 2025, xxxxDDApr/May.Shaw T, Jouberton A, Niwano M, Kneib M, Fujita K, Pellicciotti P
Precipitation uncertainty hampers the understanding of glacier response in High Mountain Asia.
EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, April 27- May 2, 2025, xxxxDDApr/May.Kondo K, Fujita K
Modelling past discharge from Qaanaaq Glacier in northwestern Greenland during 1950-2023.
IASC Network on Arctic Glaciology meeting and Workshop on the Dynamics and mass budget of Arctic glaciers, Niseko, Jan 21-23, 2025, poster21Jan.
2024 return to Top
Nagai H, Fujita K, Pratap B, Sato Y, Konya K, Oulkar SN, Nuimura T, Sakai A, Takigawa M, Sharma P
Validation of statistically-improved thermal resistance for debris-covered glaciers by means of whole available Landsat-8 scenes.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2024, Washington D.C., USA, Dec 9-13, 2024, oral13Dec.Ito S, Takeuchi N, Kume S, Schwikowski M, Fujita K, Aizen VB
Climate changes and movement of people in Central Asia during the late Holocene: a comparative study between archeological evidence and ice core records.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2024, Washington D.C., USA, Dec 9-13, 2024, poster13Dec.Komuro Y, Nakazawa F, Goto-Azuma K, Nagatsuka N, Hirabayashi M, Ogata J, Fukuda K, Kurita N, Fujita K, Yonekura A, Kitamura K, Sinnl G, Rasmussen SO, Popp TJ, Dahl-Jensen D
Mineral dust variations over the past 1000 years at EGRIP, northeastern Greenland.
極域科学シンポジウム, Tachikawa, Dec 3-5, 2024, poster04Dec.Mensah V, Yashayaev I, Fujita K, Stephen E. L. Howell SEL, Ikeda M, and Ohshima KI
A new methodology to estimate the freshwater content in Baffin Bay and the Labrador Shelf: weekly climatology and interannual anomalies.
極域科学シンポジウム, Tachikawa, Dec 3-5, 2024, oral03Dec.Wei Z, Hattori S, Tsuruta A, Jian ZA, Ishino S, Fujita K, Matoba S, Geng L, Lamothe A, Uemura R, Yoshida N, Savarino J, Iizuka Y
A 60-year atmospheric nitrate isotope record from the SE-Dome ice core.
The 11th International Symposium on Isotopomers (ISI), Tokyo, Nov 12-15, 2024, Poster13Nov.坪井彩紀, 石野咲子, 川上薫, 服部祥平, 藤田耕史, 浜本佐彩, 的場澄人, 飯塚芳徳
地球化学会第71回年会, 金沢大学, Sep 18-20, 2024, poster18Sep.飯塚芳徳, 松本真依, 川上薫, 捧茉優, 石野咲子, 服部祥平, 植村立, 松井仁志, 藤田耕史, 大島長, Spolaor A, Svensson A, Vinther BM, 大野浩, 関宰, 的場澄人
雪氷研究大会, 郡山, Sep 3-6, 2023, oral17Sep.伊藤彩也香, 竹内望, 久米正吾, Schwikowski M, 藤田耕史, Aizen VA
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 16-19, 2024, oral19Sep.江刺和音, 對馬あかね, 的場澄人, 飯塚芳徳, 植村立, 足立光司, 木名瀬健, Kayastha RB, 藤田耕史
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 16-19, 2024, oral19Sep.小川隼輝, 佐藤洋太, 箕輪昌紘, 坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 16-19, 2024, oral18Sep.小林綺乃, 坂井亜規子, 小川隼輝, 小野誠仁, 黒﨑豊, Khalzan P, 竹内望
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 16-19, 2024, poster18Sep.小室悠紀, 中澤文男, 東久美子, 永塚尚子, 平林幹啓, 尾形純, 福田かおり, 栗田直幸, 藤田耕史, 米倉綾香, 北村享太郎, Rasmussen SO, Sinnl G, Popp TJ, Dahl-Jensen D
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 16-19, 2024, poster17Sep.坂井亜規子, 小林綺乃, 小野誠仁, 青木輝夫, 大畑祥, 上田紗也子, 的場澄人, 竹内望, Khalzan P, 長田和雄, 谷川朋範, 黒﨑豊, 小川隼輝
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 16-19, 2024, poster18Sep.砂子宗次朗, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子
ネパール・ヒマラヤ トランバウ氷河上流における冬期質量収支の特性.
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 16-19, 2024, poster18Sep.永塚尚子, 東久美子, 藤田耕史, 小室悠紀, 長島佳菜, 平林幹啓, 尾形純, 福田かおり, 北村享太郎, 米倉綾香, 中澤文男, 大沼友貴彦, 栗田直幸, Rasmussen SO, Sinnl G, Popp TJ, Dahl-Jensen D
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 16-19, 2024, oral17Sep.橋本明弘, 藤波初木, 佐々木織江, 坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史
ヒマラヤ山岳域の局地気象日変化の再現実験 その3.
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 16-19, 2024, poster17Sep.藤田耕史, Kayastha RB
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 16-19, 2024, oral18Sep.Fujinami H, Fujita K, Kanamori H, Sato Y, Sato T, Hirata H, Takahashi N, Hirose M, Hashimoto A, Sugimoto S, Kato M, Kayastha RB, Shrestha D, Terao T
Toward unraveling precipitation variability and precipitation systems around the glacierized catchment in the Himalayas in summer.
The 9th Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) Open Science Conference, Sapporo, Japan, Jul 7-12, 2024, oral09Jul.Fujita K, Kayastha RB
Finding a tipping point of a disappearing Himalayan glacier.
The 9th Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) Open Science Conference, Sapporo, Japan, Jul 7-12, 2024, oral09Jul.Hashimoto A, Fujinami H, Fujita K
Numerical simulations of diurnal variation of precipitation in the Rolwaling region, Nepal.
The 9th Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) Open Science Conference, Sapporo, Japan, Jul 7-12, 2024, poster09Jul.Sasaki O, Miles ES, Pellicciotti F, Fujita K, Sakai A
Automatic detection of snowline altitude at five glacierized catchments over the high-mountain Asia.
The 9th Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) Open Science Conference, Sapporo, Japan, Jul 7-12, 2024, poster09Jul.江刺和音, 對馬あかね, 植村立, 的場澄人, 飯塚芳徳, 足立光司, 木名瀬健, Kayastha RB, 藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 26-31, 2024, oral29May.小室悠紀, 中澤文男, 東久美子, 平林幹啓, 尾形純, 福田かおり, 栗田直幸, 藤田耕史, 米倉綾香, 北村享太郎, Sinnl G, Rasmussen SO, Popp TJ, Dahl-Jensen D
Dating and mineral dust analysis of a shallow ice core drilled at EGRIP, Greenland.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 26-31, 2024, poster29May.佐々木織江, 石川こより, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子, 鼎信次郎
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 26-31, 2024, poster29May.藤田耕史, Kayastha RB
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 26-31, 2024, oral29May.永井裕人, 佐藤洋太, 藤田耕史, Pratop B, Laha S, 紺屋恵子, 縫村崇行, 坂井亜規子, 滝川雅之, Sharma P
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 26-31, 2024, oral29May.永塚尚子, 東久美子, 藤田耕史, 小室悠紀, 平林幹啓, 尾形純, 福田かおり, 塚川佳美, 北村享太郎, 米倉綾香, 中澤文男, 大沼友貴彦, 栗田直幸, Rasmussen SO, Sinn G, Popp TJ, Dahl-Jensen D
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 26-31, 2024, oral29May.Esashi N, Tsushima A, Uemura R, Matoba S, Iizuka Y, Adachi K, Kinase K, Kayastha RB, Fujita K
Atmospheric dust record preserved in an ice-core from Trambau Glacier, Nepal Himalaya.
EGU General Assembly 2024, Online & Vienna, April 14-19, 2024, poster18Apr.福井幸太郎, 飯田肇, 藤田耕史
日本地理学会春季学術大会, 東京, Mar 19-21, 2024, poster19-20Mar.Fujita K
Climate Hazards in the Himalayan Cryosphere.
First Workshop on Projection and Mitigation of Mega-Geo-Disasters under Changing Climate, Kathmandu, Nepal, Mar 14-15, 2024, oral15Mar. [invited/keynote]
2023 return to Top
Sato Y, Buri P, Miles ES, Kneib M, Sunako S, Gurung TR, Sakai A, Pellicciotti F, Fujita K
Estimating seasonal fluctuations and aspect characteristics of ice cliff backwasting on debris-covered Trakarding Glacier, Rolwaling Valley, eastern Nepal Himalaya.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, USA, Dec 11-15, 2023, poster12Dec.Nagatsuka N, Goto-Azuma K, Fujita K, Komuro Y, Hirabayashi M, Ogata J, Fukuda K, Ogawa-Tsukagawa Y, Kitamura K, Yonekura A, Nakazawa F, Onuma Y, Kurita N, Rasmussen SO, Sinnl G, Popp TJ, Dahl-Jensen D
Regional variations in mineralogy of dust in ice cores obtained from northeastern and northwestern Greenland over the past 100 years.
極域科学シンポジウム, Tachikawa, Nov 14-17, 2023, poster15Nov.Sakata H, Minowa M, Fujita K, Matoba S, Kawakami K, Matsumoto M, Iizuka Y
Snow accumulation inferred from a GPR survey around the Southeastern Dome, Greenland Ice Sheet.
極域科学シンポジウム, Tachikawa, Nov 14-17, 2023, poster15Nov.Esashi N, Tsushima A, Uemura R, Sumito Matoba S, Iizuka Y, Adachi K, Kinase T, Fujita K
The analyses of insoluble particles of the ice core from Trambau glacier, Nepal Himalaya.
International Conference on Mountain Hydrology and Cryosphere, Kathmandu, Nepal, Nov 9-10, 2023, oral10Nov.Fujita K
Himalayan glacier research: initiation development, and future.
International Conference on Mountain Hydrology and Cryosphere, Kathmandu, Nepal, Nov 9-10, 2023, oral10Nov. [invited/keynote]Jouberton A, Fugger S, Buri P, Shaw TE, Miles ES, McCarthy M, Sato Y, Hashimoto A, Niwano M, Fujita K, Pellicciotti F
Land-surface modeling in HMA glacierized catchments: challenges and opportunities.
International Conference on Mountain Hydrology and Cryosphere, Kathmandu, Nepal, Nov 9-10, 2023, oral10Nov.Mensah V, Fujita K, Ikeda M, Komatsu M, Ohshima KI
Estimation of ice melt, freshwater budget and their multi-decadal trends in the Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea.
日本海洋学会 2023年度秋季大会, 京都, Sep 24-28, 2023, oral27Sep.江刺和音, 對馬あかね, 植村立, 的場澄人, 飯塚芳徳, 足立光司, 木名瀬健, 藤田耕史
ネパール・ヒマラヤ, トランバウ氷河アイスコアの不溶性微粒子の解析.
雪氷研究大会, 郡山, Sep 3-6, 2023, oral04Sep.Khalzan P, Sadyrov S, 坂井亜規子, 田中賢治, 藤田耕史
雪氷研究大会, 郡山, Sep 3-6, 2023, oral06Sep.小室悠紀, 中澤文男, 東久美子, 永塚尚子, 平林幹啓, 尾形純, 福田かおり, 栗田直幸, 藤田耕史, 北村享太郎, Rasmussen SO, Sinnl G, Popp TJ, Dahl-Jensen D
雪氷研究大会, 郡山, Sep 3-6, 2023, poster05Sep.坂田宙斗, 箕輪昌紘, 藤田耕史, 的場澄人, 飯塚芳徳
雪氷研究大会, 郡山, Sep 3-6, 2023, poster05Sep.坂井亜規子, 荒川逸人, 安達聖, 八久保晶弘, 根本征樹, 鈴木紘一
雪氷研究大会, 郡山, Sep 3-6, 2023, poster05Sep.佐藤洋太, Buri P, Miles ES, Kneib M, 砂子宗次朗, Gurung TR, 坂井亜規子, Pellicciotti F, 藤田耕史
ネパール・ヒマラヤ トラカルディン氷河における氷壁の融解特性.
雪氷研究大会, 郡山, Sep 3-6, 2023, poster05Sep.砂子宗次朗, 坂井亜規子, Khalzan P, 佐藤洋太, 石田直也, 福井幸太郎, 藤田耕史
雪氷研究大会, 郡山, Sep 3-6, 2023, poster05Sep.永塚尚子, 東久美子, 藤田耕史, 小室悠紀, 平林幹啓, 尾形純, 福田かおり, 北村享太郎, 中澤文男, 大沼友貴彦, 栗田直幸, Rasmussen SO, Sinnl G, Popp TJ, Dahl-Jensen D
雪氷研究大会, 郡山, Sep 3-6, 2023, oral06Sep.西村基志, 青木輝夫, 庭野匡思, 的場澄人, 谷川朋範, 山口悟, 山崎哲秀, 藤田耕史
雪氷研究大会, 郡山, Sep 3-6, 2023, poster05Sep.橋本明弘, 藤波初木, 佐々木織江, 坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史
ヒマラヤ山岳域の局地気象日変化の再現実験 その2.
雪氷研究大会, 郡山, Sep 3-6, 2023, poster05Sep.松本真依, 飯塚芳徳, 斎藤健, 川上薫, 捧茉優, 安達聖, 八久保晶弘, 青木輝夫, 藤田秀二, 藤田耕史, 堀彰, 高杉啓太, 的場澄人
雪氷研究大会, 郡山, Sep 3-6, 2023, oral04Sep.佐々木織江, 石川こより, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子, 鼎信次郎
水文・水資源学会/日本水文科学会2023年度研究発表会, 長崎, Sep 3-6, 2023, poster05Sep.Jouberton A, Shaw T, Fugger S, Miles ES, Buri B, McCarthy M, Sato Y, Hashimoto A, Niwano M, Fujita K, Pellicciotti F
On the representation of precipitation phase and its impact on glacier changes in HMA catchments.
IUGG General Assembly 2023, Berlin, July 11-20, 2023, xxxDDJul.Sasaki O, Miles ES, Pellicciotti F, Sakai A, Fujita K
Automatic detection of snowline altitude using high-resolution satellite imageries over the Himalayas.
IUGG General Assembly 2023, Berlin, July 11-20, 2023, xxxDDJul.伊藤彩也香, 竹内望, 久米正吾, Schwikowski M, 藤田耕史, Aizen VB
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 21-26, 2023, oral22May.川上薫, 飯塚芳徳, 捧美優, 松本真衣, 斎藤健, 堀彰, 石野咲子, 藤田秀二, 藤田耕史, 高杉啓太, 畠山匠, 浜本佐彩, 渡利晃久, 江刺和音, 大塚美侑, 植村立, 堀内一穂, 箕輪昌紘, 服部祥平, 青木輝夫, 平林幹啓, 川村賢二, 的場澄人
A 220-year record of accumulation rate and melting history of the SE-Dome II ice core from southeastern Greenland.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 21-26, 2023, oral22May. [invited]永塚尚子, 東久美子, 對馬あかね, 藤田耕史, 的場澄人, 大沼友貴彦, 小室悠紀, 平林幹啓, 尾形純, 塚川佳美, 北村享太郎, 青木輝夫, Popp TJ, Dahl-Jensen D
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 21-26, 2023, poster22May.黒﨑豊, 的場澄人, 飯塚芳徳, 藤田耕史, 島田利元
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 21-26, 2023, oral24May.Nagai H, Nuimura T, Takigawa M, Patel L, Laha S, Pratap B, Konya K, Sharma P, Fujita K, Sato Y, Sakai A
Toward improvement of satellite-derived thermal resistance for supra-glacial debris.
EGU General Assembly 2023, Online & Vienna, April 23-28, 2023, oral28Apr.Aoki T, Shimada R, Matoba S, Niwano M, Ishimoto H, Tanikawa T, Hori M, Stamnes K, Yamaguchi S, Yamasaki T, Fujita K, Iizuka Y, Schneebeli M, Carmagnola C
MODIS-derived snow/ice physical parameters and their relationships to albedo over the Greenland ice sheet.
ISAR-7: Seventh International Symposium on Arctic Research, Tokyo, Japan, Mar 6-10, 2023, oral08Mar.Kawakami K, Iizuka Y, Sasage M, Matsumoto M, Saito T, Hori A, Ishino S, Fujita S, Fujita K, Takasugi K, Hatayama T, Hamamoto S, Watari A, Esashi N, Otsuka M, Uemura R, Horiuchi K, Minowa M, Hattori S, Aoki T, Hirabayashi M, Kawamura K, Matoba S
Accumulation rate at a semiannual accuracy and melting history of an ice core from southeastern Greenland (SE-Dome II) dating back to preindustrial.
ISAR-7: Seventh International Symposium on Arctic Research, Tokyo, Japan, Mar 6-10, 2023, oral08Mar.Minowa M, Fujita K, Matoba S, Iizuka Y
Snow accumulation inferred from a GPR survey around the Southeastern Dome, Greenland Ice Sheet.
ISAR-7: Seventh International Symposium on Arctic Research, Tokyo, Japan, Mar 6-10, 2023, poster08Mar.Nagatsuka N, Goto-Azuma K, Tsushima A, Fujita K, Matoba S, Onuma Y, Komuro Y, Hirabayashi M, Ogata J, Ogawa-Tsukagawa Y, Kitamura K, Aoki T, Popp TJ, Dahl-Jensen D
Variations in mineralogy of dust in ice cores obtained from Greenland over the past 100 years.
ISAR-7: Seventh International Symposium on Arctic Research, Tokyo, Japan, Mar 6-10, 2023, poster08Mar.
2022 return to Top
Minowa M, Fujita K, Skvarca P
Foehn winds drive surface ablation of a Patagonian glacier.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, USA & Online, Dec 12-16, 2022, poster17Dec.Sadyrov S, Tanaka K, Khujanazarov T, Fujita K, Satylkanov R
Assessment of the water balance components using energy and mass balance models in small glaciated catchments of the central Tian-Shan, Kyrgyzstan.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, USA & Online, Dec 12-16, 2022, oral14Dec.Nagatsuka N, Goto-Azuma K, Tsushima A, Fujita K, Matoba S, Onuma Y, Komuro Y, Hirabayashi M, Ogata J, Ogawa-Tsukagawa Y, Kitamura K, Aoki T, Popp TJ, Dahl-Jensen D
Variations in mineralogy of dust in ice cores obtained from northwestern and northeastern Greenland over the past 100 years.
極域科学シンポジウム, Tachikawa, Nov 15-18, 2022, poster16Nov.Minowa M, Fujita K, Matoba S, Iizuka Y
Snow accumulation inferred from a GPR survey around the Southeastern Dome, Greenland Ice Sheet.
極域科学シンポジウム, Tachikawa, Nov 15-18, 2022, poster16Nov.藤波初木, 金森大成, 佐藤洋太, 佐藤友徳, 藤田耕史
日本気象学会秋季大会, 札幌, Oct 24-27, 2022, poster27Oct.Buri P, Fatichi S, Shaw TE, Miles ES, McCarthy M, Fyffe C, Fugger S, Ren ST, Kneib M, Fujita K, Pellicciotti F
Land Surface Modelling in the Himalayas: On the Importance of Evaporative Fluxes for the Water Balance of a High Elevation Catchment.
2022 Dragon 5 Mid-term Results Symposium, Online, Oct 17-21, 2022, poster19Oct.Jouberton A, Sato Y, Hashimoto A, Niwano M, Shaw TE, Miles ES, Buri P, Fugger S, McCarthy M, Fujita K, Pellicciotti F
Combining High Resolution Atmospheric Simulations And Land-surface Modelling To Understand High Elevation Snow Processes In An Himalayan Catchment.
2022 Dragon 5 Mid-term Results Symposium, Online, Oct 17-21, 2022, poster19Oct.橋本明弘, 藤波初木, 佐々木織江, 坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Oct 2-5, 2022, poster01Oct.石田直也, 坂井亜規子, Khalzan P, 藤田耕史
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Oct 2-5, 2022, poster01Oct.小西ふき, 竹内望, 對馬あかね, 江刺和音, 植村立, 的場澄人, 飯塚芳徳, 藤田耕史
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Oct 2-5, 2022, oral03Oct.松本真依, 飯塚芳徳, 斎藤健, 川上薫, 捧茉優, 安達聖, 青木輝夫, 藤田耕史, 藤田秀二, 堀彰, 高杉啓太, 的場澄人
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Oct 2-5, 2022, oral03Oct.永塚尚子, 東久美子, 對馬あかね, 藤田耕史, 的場澄人, 大沼友貴彦, 小室悠紀, 平林幹啓, 尾形純, 塚川佳美, 北村享太郎, 青木輝夫, Popp T, Dahl-Jensen D
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Oct 2-5, 2022, poster01Oct.大沼友貴彦, 藤田耕史, 竹内望, 庭野匡思, 青木輝夫
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Oct 2-5, 2022, poster01Oct.坂井亜規子, 石田直也, 根本征樹, 鈴木紘一, 砂子宗次朗, 飯塚芳徳, 八久保晶弘
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Oct 2-5, 2022, poster01Oct.坂井亜規子, 竹内望
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Oct 2-5, 2022, poster01Oct.瀬戸大貴, 竹内望, 對馬あかね, 鋸屋遥香, 藤田耕史, 川村賢二, Aizen VB
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Oct 2-5, 2022, oral03Oct.黒﨑豊, 的場澄人, 飯塚芳徳, 藤田耕史, 島田利元
地球化学会第69回年会, Online & 高知大学, Sep 5-9, 2022, oral07Sep.永塚尚子, 東久美子, 對馬あかね, 藤田耕史, 的場澄人, 大沼友貴彦, 青木輝夫
地球化学会第69回年会, Online & 高知大学, Sep 5-9, 2022, oral07Sep. [invited]江刺和音, 對馬あかね, 植村立, 的場澄人, 飯塚芳徳, 藤田耕史
ネパール・ヒマラヤ, トランバウ氷河アイスコアの水安定同位体・不溶性微粒子分析.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 22-27 / May 29 - Jun 3, 2022, poster03Jun.藤波初木, 平田英隆, 藤田耕史, 金森大成, 佐藤洋太, 加藤雅也, Kayastha RB
A heavy rainfall event in the eastern Nepal Himalayas caused by multi-scale processes.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 22-27 / May 29 - Jun 3, 2022, oral23May.飯塚芳徳, 川上薫, 捧美優, 松本真衣, 斎藤健, 堀彰, 高杉啓太, 畠山匠, 渡利晃久, 江刺和音, 大塚美侑, 宮本淳, 植村立, 石野咲子, 藤田秀二, 青木輝夫, 藤田耕史, 服部祥平, 堀内一穂, 平林幹啓, 川村賢二, 的場澄人
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 22-27 / May 29 - Jun 3, 2022, oral26May.石田直也, 坂井亜規子, Khalzan P, 藤田耕史
Glacier albedo analysis in Altai mountains, 2000-2020.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 22-27 / May 29 - Jun 3, 2022, oral26May.小西ふき, 竹内望, 對馬あかね, 江刺和音, 植村立, 的場澄人, 飯塚芳徳, 藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 22-27 / May 29 - Jun 3, 2022, oral26May.松本真衣, 飯塚芳徳, 斎藤健, 藤田耕史, 青木輝夫
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 22-27 / May 29 - Jun 3, 2022, poster03Jun.永塚尚子, 東久美子, 對馬あかね, 藤田耕史, 的場澄人, 大沼友貴彦, 小室悠紀, 平林幹啓, 尾形純, 塚川佳美, 北村享太郎, 青木輝夫, Popp T, Dahl-Jensen D
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 22-27 / May 29 - Jun 3, 2022, oral26May. [invited]佐藤洋太, Buri P, Miles ES, Kneib M, 砂子宗次朗, 坂井亜規子, Pellicciotti F, 藤田耕史
ネパール・ヒマラヤ トラカルディン氷河における氷壁融解量の推定.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 22-27 / May 29 - Jun 3, 2022, poster03Jun.砂子宗次朗, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子, 福井幸太郎, 阿部隆博, 對馬あかね, 佐藤洋太, Kayastha R, Kayastha RB
Dynamically constrained steady-state mass balance of Trambau Glacier, Rolwaling region, Nepal Himalaya.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 22-27 / May 29 - Jun 3, 2022, poster03Jun.植村立, 眞坂昂佑, 飯塚芳徳, 平林幹啓, 松井仁志, 松本理誠, 植村美希, 藤田耕史, 本山秀明
Sulfur isotope ratio of sulfate aerosols in an Antarctic Dome Fuji ice core during the last glacial period: a potential contribution from the Atacama Desert.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張 & Online, May 22-27 / May 29 - Jun 3, 2022, oral26May.Buri P, Fatichi S, Shaw TE, Miles ES, Fyffe C, Fugger S, Ren S, Kneib M, Fujita K, Pellicciotti F
Dissecting the subseasonal and altitudinal water balance of a high-elevation Himalayan catchment using a land surface model.
EGU General Assembly 2022, Online & Vienna, May 23-27, 2022, oral24May.Jouberton A, Sato Y, Hashimoto A, Niwano M, Shaw TE, Miles ES, Buri P, Fugger S, McCarthy M, Fujita K, Pellicciotti F
Combining high resolution atmospheric simulations and land-surface modelling to understand high elevation snow processes in an Himalayan catchment.
EGU General Assembly 2022, Online & Vienna, May 23-27, 2022, oral24May.Sato Y, Buri P, Miles ES, Kneib M, Sunako S, Sakai A, Pellicciotti F, Fujita K
Ice cliff mass-loss of debris-covered Trakarding Glacier, Rolwaling region, eastern Nepal Himalaya.
EGU General Assembly 2022, Online & Vienna, May 23-27, 2022, oral24May.Uemura R, Masaka K, Iizuka Y, Hirabayashi M, Matsui H, Matsumoto R, Uemura M, Fujita K, Motoyama H
Sulfur isotope ratio of sulfate aerosols in an Antarctic Dome Fuji ice core during the last glacial period: a potential contribution from the Atacama Desert.
PAGES Open Science Meeting, Online, May 16-20, 2022, xxxDDMay.Fujinami H, Fujita K, Takahashi N, Sato T, Hirata H, Kanamori H, Sato Y, Gurung TR, Kayastha RB, Shrestha ML
Precipitation and its variability in the high elevation area of the Nepal Himalayas.
Seventh WMO International Workshop on Monsoons (IWM-7), Online, Mar 23-26, 2022, oral26Mar.
2021 return to Top
Khadka M, Steiner JF, Hassan J, Maussion F, Fujita K, Gurung TR, He XB, Liu Q, Mandal A, Miles ES, Quincey DJ, Wagnon P, Watson SC, Yang W
Performance evaluation of existing algorithms and datasets for glacier surface velocity estimation in Himalayan glaciers.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, USA, Dec 13-17, 2021, oral14Dec.Zhai S, Wang X, McConnell JR, Swanson W, Sherwen T, Pound R, Chellman N, Zhu L, Evans MJ, Opel T, Sigl M, Meyer H, Hattori S, Fujita K, Chan YC, Alexander B
Impacts of anthropogenic emissions on tropospheric reactive bromine since the preindustrial.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, USA, Dec 13-17, 2021, oral17Dec.Nagatsuka N, Goto-Azuma K, Tsushima A, Fujita K, Matoba S, Onuma Y, Dallmayr R, Kadota M, Hirabayashi M, Ogata J, Ogawa-Tsukagawa T, Kitamura K, Minowa M, Komuro Y, Motoyama H, Aoki T, Nakazawa F, Popp TJ, Dahl-Jensen D
Variations in mineralogy of dust in ice cores obtained from Greenland over the past 100 years.
極域科学シンポジウム, online, Nov 15-18, 2021, poster17Nov.飯塚芳徳, 的場澄人, 箕輪昌紘, 山崎哲秀, 川上薫, 角五綾子, 宮原盛厚, 藤田耕史, 橋本明弘, 庭野匡思, 谷川朋範, 青木輝夫
雪氷研究大会, Online, Sep 13-16, 2021, poster15Sep.石田直也, 坂井亜規子
雪氷研究大会, Online, Sep 13-16, 2021, poster14Sep.江刺和音, 對馬あかね, 植村立, 飯塚芳徳, 的場澄人, 藤田耕史
ネパール・ヒマラヤ, トランバウ氷河アイスコアの水安定同位体分析.
雪氷研究大会, Online, Sep 13-16, 2021, oral13Sep.黒﨑豊, 的場澄人, 飯塚芳徳, 藤田耕史, 島田利元
雪氷研究大会, Online, Sep 13-16, 2021, oral13Sep.坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史
雪氷研究大会, Online, Sep 13-16, 2021, poster14Sep.佐々木織江, Miles ES, Pellicciotti F, 坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史
ヒマラヤ高山域におけるSentinel-2/Landsat 画像を用いた雪線高度の検出.
雪氷研究大会, Online, Sep 13-16, 2021, oral16Sep.佐藤洋太, 藤田耕史, 井上公, 坂井亜規子, Karma K
雪氷研究大会, Online, Sep 13-16, 2021, poster14Sep.砂子宗次朗, 藤田耕史, 泉岳樹, 山口悟, 坂井亜規子, Kayastha RB
雪氷研究大会, Online, Sep 13-16, 2021, poster14Sep.瀬戸大貴, 鋸屋遥香, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 川村賢二, 對馬あかね, Aizen V
雪氷研究大会, Online, Sep 13-16, 2021, oral14Sep.永塚尚子, 東久美子, 對馬あかね, 藤田耕史, 的場澄人, 大沼友貴彦, Dallmayr R, 門田萌, 平林啓幹, 尾形純, 小室悠紀, 本山秀明, 青木輝夫, 中澤文男, Popp TJ, Dahl-Jensen D
雪氷研究大会, Online, Sep 13-16, 2021, oral13Sep.箕輪昌紘, 藤田耕史, Skvarca P
パタゴニア ペリート・モレノ氷河の表面質量収支と気候.
雪氷研究大会, Online, Sep 13-16, 2021, oral16Sep.渡利晃久, 飯塚芳徳, 藤田耕史, 増永浩彦, 河本和明
雪氷研究大会, Online, Sep 13-16, 2021, oral13Sep.服部祥平, 飯塚芳徳, Alexander B, 石野咲子, 藤田耕史, Zhai S, Sherwen T, 大島長, 植村立, 山田明憲, 鈴木希実, 的場澄人, 鶴田明日香, Savarino J, 吉田尚弘
地球化学会第68回年会, Online & 弘前大学, Sep 6-10, 2021, oral9Sep.Fujinami H, Fujita K, Takahashi N, Sato T, Kanamori H, Sunako S
Twice-daily maxima of summer precipitation in high-altitude areas of the Himalayas: two contrasting land surface effects.
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 18th Annual Meeting, online, Aug 1-6, 2021, oral06Aug.青木輝夫, 東久美子, 的場澄人, 島田利元, 近藤豊, 茂木信宏, 小池真, 藤田耕史, 本山秀明, 堀正弘
Possible albedo reduction of snow surface due to black carbon over the past 350 years on the Greenland Ice Sheet estimated from the SIGMA-D ice core.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, Online, May 31-Jun 6, 2021.東久美子, 塚川佳美, 近藤豊, Dallmayr R, 尾形純, 茂木信宏, 大畑祥, 森樹大, 小池真, 福田香, 平林幹啓, 的場澄人, 小室悠紀, 對馬あかね, 永塚尚子, 藤田耕史, 大島長, 北村徹太郎, 川村賢二, 繁山航, 本山秀明, 青木輝夫
A biomass burning record over the past 350 years in an ice core from Northwest Greenland.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, Online, May 31-Jun 6, 2021.江刺和音, 對馬あかね, 植村立, 飯塚芳徳, 的場澄人, 藤田耕史
Ice core drilling on a high-elevation accumulation zone of Trambau Glacier in the Nepal Himalaya.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, Online, May 31-Jun 6, 2021.瀬川高弘, 竹内望, 藤田耕史
An attempt to reconstruct air temperature in the past using DNA information in ice core samples on Gregoriev Glacier, Kyrgyz Tienshan.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, Online, May 31-Jun 6, 2021.橋本明弘, 佐々木織江, 坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, Online, May 31-Jun 6, 2021.渡利晃久, 飯塚芳徳, 藤田耕史, 増永浩彦, 河本和明
The correlations between cloud amount over Northern mid-high latitudes and aerosol proxies preserved in the SE-Dome ice core, Greenland.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, Online, May 31-Jun 6, 2021.平田英隆, 藤波初木, 金森大成, 加藤雅也, 佐藤洋太, 藤田耕史, 坪木和久
日本気象学会春季大会, つくば & Online, May 18-21, 2021, oral19May.Aizen EM, Aizen VB, Takeuchi N, Fujita K
Central Asianglaciers passedthe warm periods in Holocene.
24th Virtual Alpine Glaciology Meeting, Online, Mar 25-26 2021, oral26Mar.Fujita K, Iizuka Y, Matoba S, Takeuchi N, Tsushima A, Kurosaki Y, Aoki T
Physically based summer temperature reconstruction from melt layers in ice cores.
International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) Network on Arctic Glaciology (NAG), Online, Jan 26 2021, oral26Jan. [invited]
2020 return to Top
Zhai S, Wang X, Geng L, McConnell JR, Sherwen T, Pound R, Chellman N, Moch J, Zhu L, Evans MJ, Cole-Dai J, Opel T, Sigl M, Meyer H, Hattori S, Iizuka Y, Fujita K, Chan YC, Alexander B
Impacts of anthropogenic emissions on tropospheric reactive chlorine: Implications for Greenland ice core records of chlorine.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2020, Online, Dec 7-11, 2020, oral15Dec.Fujinami H, Fujita K, Takahashi N, Sato T, Kanamori H, Sunako S, Sakai A
Twice-daily maxima of summer precipitation in high-altitude areas of the Himalayas: two contrasting land surface effects.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2020, Online, Dec 7-11, 2020, poster16Dec.佐藤洋太, 藤田耕史, 井上公, 砂子宗次朗, 坂井亜規子, 對馬あかね, Podolskiy EA, Berthier E, Kayastha R, Kayastha RB
ネパール・ヒマラヤ トラカルディン氷河における氷壁ダイナミクスの解明.
雪氷研究大会, Online, Nov 16-18, 2020, poster17Nov.鋸屋遥香, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 川村賢二, 對馬あかね, 宮内謙史郎, 堀燿一朗, Aizen VB, Osmonov A
雪氷研究大会, Online, Nov 16-18, 2020, oral18Nov.波多俊太郎, 杉山慎, 藤田耕史
雪氷研究大会, Online, Nov 16-18, 2020, poster17Nov.渡利晃久, 飯塚芳徳, 藤田耕史
雪氷研究大会, Online, Nov 16-18, 2020, oral18Nov.藤波初木, 藤田耕史, 高橋暢宏, 佐藤友徳, 金森大成, 砂子宗次朗, 坂井亜規子
日本気象学会秋季大会, Online, Oct 28-30, 2020, poster30Oct.青木輝夫, 島田利元, 堀雅裕, 庭野匡思, 谷川朋範, 石元裕史, 的場澄人, 藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, Online, July 12-15, 2020.橋本明弘, 庭野匡思, 藤波初木, 坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史
Numerical simulations of precipitation in high altitude Himalaya mountainous area by using JMA-NHM.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, Online, July 12-15, 2020.川村賢二, 阿部彩子, 藤田秀二, Gogineni P, Braaten D, Gallet JC, 東久美子, Greve R, Isaksson E, van Liefferinge B, 松岡健一, 本山秀明, 中澤文男, 小長谷貴志, 大野浩, 大藪幾美, Paden J, Rodriguez-Morales F, 斎藤冬樹, Taylor RA, 津滝俊, Members of Third Dome Fuji Project Promotion Committee
Collaborative studies for locating the oldest ice near Dome Fuji, Antarctica.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, Online, July 12-15, 2020.佐藤洋太, 藤田耕史, 井上公, 砂子宗次朗, 坂井亜規子, 對馬あかね, Podolskiy EA, Berthier E, Kayastha RB
ネパール・ヒマラヤ トラカルディン氷河における氷壁ダイナミクスの解明.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, Online, July 12-15, 2020.竹内望, 大手信人, 藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, Online, July 12-15, 2020.對馬あかね, 庭野匡思, 青木輝夫, 大河原望, 谷川朋範, 的場澄人, 足立光司, 木名瀬健, 藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, Online, July 12-15, 2020.Marzeion B, Hock R, Anderson B, Bliss A, Nicolas Champollion, Fujita K, Huss M, Immerzeel WW, Kraaijenbrink P, Malles JH, Maussion F, Radić V, Rounce D, Sakai A, Shannon S, van de Wal RSW, Harry Zekollari H
Partitioning the uncertainty of ensemble projections of global glacier mass change.
EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, May 4-8, 2019, 07May.Santra S, Verma S, Fujita K, Chakraborty I, Boucher O, Takemura T, Burkhart JF, Matt F, Mukesh Sharma M
Simulations of black carbon (BC) aerosol impact over Hindu-Kush Himalayan sites: validation, sources, and implications on glacier runoff.
EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, May 4-8, 2019, 04May.Canceled due to COVID-19
Verma S, Fujita K, and others
Simulations of black carbon (BC) aerosol impact over the Hindu Kush Himalayan sites: validation, sources, and implications on glacier runoff.
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 17th Annual Meeting, Hongcheon, Korea, June 28 - July 4, 2020.Fujinami H, Fujita K, Takahashi N , Sato T, Hirata H, Kanamori H , Sato Y, Kato M, Kayastha RB, Shrestha ML
Heavy rainfall events observed in the Rolwaling valley, eastern Nepal, during 2019 summer monsoon season.
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 17th Annual Meeting, Hongcheon, Korea, June 28 - July 4, 2020.Ando T, Shibata M, Matoba S, Sugiyama S, Fujita K, Fujita S, Aoki T, Yamaguchi S, Adachi S, Hachikubo A, Hori A, Niwano M, Iizuka Y
Snow modification evaluated by specific surface area (SSA) of ice/firn cores from Greenland.
ISAR-6: Sixth International Symposium on Arctic Research, Tokyo, Japan, Mar 2-6, 2020, oral02Mar.Aoki T, Niwano M, Tanikawa T, Matoba S, Iizuka Y, Yamaguchi S, Fujita K, Hori M, Shimada R, Ishimoto H, Yamasaki T
Snow grain growth and NIR albedo reduction due to temperature increase at SIGMA-A, Greenland Ice Sheet.
ISAR-6: Sixth International Symposium on Arctic Research, Tokyo, Japan, Mar 2-6, 2020, oral03Mar.Goto-Azuma K, Ogawa-Tsukagawa Y, Kondo Y, Dallmayr R, Hirabayashi M, Ogata J, Kitamura K, Kawamura K, Motoyama M, Matoba S, Aoki T, Moteki N, Ohata S, Mori T, Koike M, Komuro Y, Tsushima A, Nagatsuka N, Shigeyama W, Fujita K
Changes in concentrations and size distributions of black carbon in Northwest Greenland over the past 350 years.
ISAR-6: Sixth International Symposium on Arctic Research, Tokyo, Japan, Mar 2-6, 2020, oral02Mar.Iizuka Y, Matoba S, Seki O, Uemura R, Fujita K, Matsui H, Hattori S, Hori A, Ohno H, Oshima N, Hashimoto A, Niwano M, Aoki T, Fujita S, Ishino S, Horiuchi K, Matsuzaki H, Bautista VII AT, Adachi S, Suzuki T, Ando T, Parvin F, Kawakami K
Ice core project in a high-accumulation dome, southeast Greenland.
ISAR-6: Sixth International Symposium on Arctic Research, Tokyo, Japan, Mar 2-6, 2020, poster03Mar.Nagatsuka N, Goto-Azuma K, Tsushima A, Motoyama H, Matoba S, Fujita K, Yamasaki T, Onuma Y, Komuro Y, Minowa M, Aoki T, Hirabayashi M, Nakazawa F, Dahl-Jensen D
Variations in mineralogy of dust in snow and ice core obtained from Greenland Ice Sheet over the past 100 years.
ISAR-6: Sixth International Symposium on Arctic Research, Tokyo, Japan, Mar 2-6, 2020, poster03Mar.
2019 return to Top
Aizen EM, Aizen VB, Takeuchi N, Fujita K, Rodda C, Mayewski PA, Xu BQ
Passing the warm periods in Holocene in Central Asia-evidences from the ice-core records.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA, Dec 9-13, 2019, poster09Dec.Goto-Azuma K, Ogawa-Tsukagawa Y, Kondo Y, Dallmayr R, Hirabayashi M, Ogata J, Kitamura K, Kawamura K, Motoyama M, Matoba S, Aoki T, Moteki N, Ohata S, Mori T, Koike M, Komuro Y, Tsushima A, , Nagatsuka N, Shigeyama W, Fujita K
Variations of concentrations and sizes of black carbon particles in Northwest Greenland over the past 350 years.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA, Dec 9-13, 2019, oral13Dec.Hattori S, Iizuka Y, Fujita K, Uemura R, Ishino S, Oshima N, Matoba S, Suzuki N, Tsuruta A, Savarino J, Yoshida N
The 60 years history of atmospheric sulfate formation pathways based on triple oxygen isotopic composition preserved in the SE-Dome ice core.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA, Dec 9-13, 2019, poster09Dec.Sakai A
Updated GAMDAM Glacier Inventory over the High Mountain Asia.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA, Dec 9-13, 2019, oral10Dec. [invited]Santra S, Verma S, Fujita K, Chakraborty I, Boucher O, Takemura T, Burkhart JF, Matt F, Sharma M
Simulations of black carbon (BC) aerosol impact over Hindu-Kush Himalayan sites: validation, sources, and implications on glacier runoff.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA, Dec 9-13, 2019, poster12Dec.Sasaki O, Hirabayashi Y, Fujita K, Sakai A, Kanae S
Future glacier volume and runoff changes over Central Europe using a full energy balance-based glacier model with debris effects.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA, Dec 9-13, 2019, oral10Dec.Aoki T, Shimada R, Hori M, Niwano M, Tanikawa T, Ishimoto H, Matoba S, Iizuka Y, Fujita K
Satellite-derived snow grain size over the Greenland Ice Sheet and its relationships with climate indices.
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Dec 3-5, 2019, oral04Dec.Goto-Azuma K, Hirabayashi M, Motoyama H, Miyake T, Kuramoto T, Uemura R, Igarashi M, Iizuka Y, Sakurai T, Horikawa S, Suzuki K, Suzuki T, Fujita K, Kondo Y, Hattori S, Fujii Y
Reduced marine biogenic sulphate flux in east Antarctica during glacial periods - Based on ion chemistry records from Dome Fuji ice core -.
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Dec 3-5, 2019, oral04Dec.Kawamura K, Abe-Ouchi A, Aoki S, Fujita K Fujita S, Fukui K, Furukawa T, Furusaki A, Goto-Azuma K, Higuchi K, Hirabayashi M, Hirasawa N, Hori A, Horiuchi K, Iizuka Y, Matoba S, Miyahara M, Motoyama H, Niwano M, Ohno H, Oyabu I, Saito F, Sugiyama S, Suzuki T, Takata M, Tsutaki S, Uchida T, Uemura R, Yamaguchi S
A paleo-environmental study in JARE Phase X - Deep ice coring in the Dome Fuji area for "Oldest Ice Core".
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Dec 3-5, 2019, oral03Dec.Nagatsuka N, Goto-Azuma K, Tsushima A, Motoyama H, Matoba S, Fujita K, Yamasaki T, Onuma Y, Komuro Y, Minowa M, Aoki T, Hirabayashi M, Nakazawa F, Dahl-Jensen D
Variations in mineralogical composition of dust present in the Greenland SIGMA-D ice core and EGRIP snow pit over the past 100 years.
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Dec 3-5, 2019, oral05Dec.服部祥平, Lin M, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, Caillon N, Akers P, Aizen VB, Nikitin SA, 吉田尚弘, Savarino J
地球化学会, 東京, Sep 17-19, 2019, oral17Sep.東久美子, 塚川佳美, 近藤豊, Dallmayr R, 平林幹啓, 尾形純, 北村亨太郎, 川村賢二, 本山秀明, 的場澄人, 青木輝夫, 茂木信宏, 大畑祥, 森樹大, 小池真, 小室悠紀, 對馬あかね, 永塚尚子, 繁山航, 藤田耕史
雪氷研究大会, 山形, Sep 8-11, 2019, oral10Sep.服部祥平, 藤田耕史, 竹内望, 飯塚芳徳, 的場澄人
雪氷研究大会, 山形, Sep 8-11, 2019, poster09Sep.服部祥平, Lin M, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, Caillon N, Akers P, Aizen VB, Nikitin SA, 吉田尚弘, Savarino J
雪氷研究大会, 山形, Sep 8-11, 2019, oral10Sep.永塚尚子, 東久美子, 對馬あかね, 本山秀明, 的場澄人, 藤田耕史, 山崎哲秀, 大沼友貴彦, 小室悠紀, 箕輪昌紘, 青木輝夫,平林幹啓, 中澤文男, Dahl-Jensen D
雪氷研究大会, 山形, Sep 8-11, 2019, oral11Sep.鋸屋遥香, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 川村賢二, 對馬あかね, 宮内謙史郎, 堀燿一朗, Aizen VB, Osmonov A
雪氷研究大会, 山形, Sep 8-11, 2019, oral11Sep.大風翼, 新屋啓文, 大宮哲, 砂子宗次朗, 西村浩一
雪氷研究大会, 山形, Sep 8-11, 2019, oral10Sep.坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史
雪氷研究大会, 山形, Sep 8-11, 2019, oral11Sep.佐藤洋太, 藤田耕史, 井上公, 砂子宗次朗, 坂井亜規子, 對馬あかね, Podolskiy EA, Berthier E, Kayastha RB
ネパール・ヒマラヤ トラカルディン氷河における氷壁の分布特性と氷河衰退への影響.
雪氷研究大会, 山形, Sep 8-11, 2019, oral10Sep.竹内俊介, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 川村賢二, 對馬あかね, Aizen VB
雪氷研究大会, 山形, Sep 8-11, 2019, poster09Sep.Fujinami H, Fujita K, Takahashi N, Sato T, Hirata H, Kayastha RB, Shrestha ML
Precipitation and its variability in high elevation areas of the Nepal Himalayas.
AsiaPEX Kick-off Conferece, Sapporo, Aug 28-30, 2019, oral29Aug.Fujita K, Sunako S, Sakai A, Kayastha RB
Mass balance of Trambau Glacier, Rolwaling region, Nepal Himalaya: In-situ observations, long-term reconstruction and mass-balance sensitivity.
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 16th Annual Meeting, Singapore, Singapore, July 28-Aug 2, 2019, oral01Aug.Sasaki O, Fujita K, Hirabayashi Y, Kanae S
Glacier runoff simulation under climate change by an energy balance model for individual glaciers on a Continental-scale.
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 16th Annual Meeting, Singapore, Singapore, July 28-Aug 2, 2019, oral01Aug.Fujita K, Sakai A
Future projection of global-scale glacier mass loss and sea level rise.
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly 2019, Montreal, Canada, July 8-18, 2019, oral13Jul.Sato Y, Fujita K, Inoue H, Sunako S, Sakai A, Tsushima A, Podolskiy EA, Berthier E, Kayastha RB
Spatial distribution of ice cliff in the Trakarding glacier, Nepal Himalaya.
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly 2019, Montreal, Canada, July 8-18, 2019, oral11Jul.Qiang XX, Liu SY, Jiang Z, Fujita K, Wei J, Zhang Z, Zhu Y
Glacier mass loss in Mt. Xixiabangma region during 1974-2012 as revealed by multi-source DEMs.
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly 2019, Montreal, Canada, July 8-18, 2019, oral12Jul.安藤卓人, 飯塚芳徳, 柴田麻衣, 的場澄人, 杉山慎, 安達聖, 山口悟, 藤田耕史, 堀彰, 青木輝夫, 藤田秀二
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 26-30, 2019, oral28May.東久美子, 塚川佳美, 近藤豊, Dallmayr R, 平林幹啓, 尾形純, 北村亨太郎, 川村賢二, 本山秀明, 的場澄人, 青木輝夫, 茂木信宏, 大畑祥, 森樹大, 小池真, 小室悠紀, 對馬あかね, 永塚尚子, 繁山航, 藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 26-30, 2019, oral28May.飯塚芳徳, 植村立, 藤田耕史, 服部祥平, 関宰, 大島長, 大野浩, 的場澄人
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 26-30, 2019, oral29May. [invited]佐藤洋太, 藤田耕史, 井上公, 砂子宗次朗, 坂井亜規子, 對馬あかね, Podolskiy EA, Berthier E, Kayastha RB
ネパール・ヒマラヤ トラカルディン氷河における氷壁の分布特性.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 26-30, 2019, oral29May.竹内俊介, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 川村賢二, 對馬 あかね, Aizen VB, Osmonov A
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 26-30, 2019, oral28May.永塚尚子, 東久美子, 對馬あかね, 本山秀明, 的場澄人, 藤田耕史, 山崎哲秀, 大沼友貴彦, 箕輪昌紘, 青木輝夫, 平林幹啓
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 26-30, 2019, poster28May.鋸屋遥香, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 川村賢二, 對馬 あかね, Aizen VB, Osmonov A
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 26-30, 2019, poster28May.服部祥平, 飯塚芳徳, 藤田耕史, 植村立, 石野咲子, 大島長, 鈴木希実, 的場澄人, 鶴田明日香, Joel S, 吉田尚弘
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 26-30, 2019, oral29May.Ando T, Iizuka Y, Shibata M, Matoba S, Sugiyama S, Adachi S, Yamaguchi S, Fujita K, Hori A, Niwano M, Aoki T, Fujita S
History of snow grain modification evaluated by specific surface area (SSA) and density using two ice cores from Greenland.
EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, Apr 7-12, 2019, poster09Apr.Gurung T, Kayastha RB, Fujita K, Sinisalo A, Joshi SP, Litt M, Kirkham J
Annual Mass Balance Reconstruction of Rikha Samba Glacier, Nepal Himalaya between 1979 and 2017.
EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, Apr 7-12, 2019, oral09Apr.Podolskiy EA, Fujita K, Sunako S, Sato Y, Tsushima A, Kayastha RB
Thermal fracturing on a Himalayan debris-covered glacier.
EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, Apr 7-12, 2019, oral08Apr.Sunako S, Fujita K, Sakai A, Kayastha RB
Mass balance of Trambau Glacier, Rolwaling region, Nepal Himalaya: In situ observations, long-term reconstruction, and mass-balance sensitivity.
EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, Apr 7-12, 2019, oral12Apr.Sato Y, Fujita K, Inoue H, Sunako S, Sakai A, Tsushima A, Podolskiy EA, Berthier E, Kayastha RB
Spatial distribution of ice cliff in Trambau Glacier, Nepal Himalaya.
Alpine Glaciology Meeting, Innsbruck, Austria, Feb 28-Mar 1, 2019, oral28Feb.
2018 return to Top
Aizen VB, Aizen EM, Takeuchi N, Fujita K, Kawamura K, Tsushima A, Mayewski PA, Kurbatov A, Rodda C, Osmonov A
Neoglaciation in central Asia, climate and moisture sources reconstruction from Altai, Pamir, and Tien Shan ice-cores.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018, Washington DC, USA, Dec 10-14, 2018, oral14Dec.Amino T, Iizuka Y, Fujita K, Oshima N, Matoba S
Analysis of insoluble particles in the ice core from south-east dome, Greenland.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018, Washington DC, USA, Dec 10-14, 2018, poster13Dec.Niwano M, Aoki T, Hashimoto A, Matoba S, Yamaguchi S, Tanikawa T, Fujita K, Tsushima A, Iizuka Y, Shimada R, Hori M
High resolution polar regional climate model NHM-SMAP for the Greenland Ice Sheet.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018, Washington DC, USA, Dec 10-14, 2018, poster13Dec.Podolskiy EA, Fujita K, Sunako S, Tsushima A, Kayastha RB
Nocturnal thermal fracturing of a Himalayan debris-covered glacier: Evidence from ambient seismic noise and numerical modeling.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018, Washington DC, USA, Dec 10-14, 2018, oral13Dec.Sakai A, Fujita K
Mass balance sensitivity to temperature change for globe glaciers.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018, Washington DC, USA, Dec 10-14, 2018, oral13Dec.Sasaki O, Fujita K, Hirabayashi Y, Kanae S
Seasonal runoff from glaciers including the debris effects over Central Europe.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018, Washington DC, USA, Dec 10-14, 2018, poster11Dec.Goto-Azuma K, Ogawa-Tsukagawa Y, Kondo Y, Dallmayr R, Hirabayashi M, Ogata J, Kitamura K, Kawamura K, Motoyama M, Matoba S, Aoki T, Moteki N, Ohata S, Mori T, Koike M, Komuro Y, Tsushima A, , Nagatsuka N, Shigeyama W, Fujita K
Concentrations and size distribution of black carbon in Northwest Greenland during the past 350 years reconstructed from an ice core.
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Dec 4-7, 2018, oral05Dec.Nagatsuka N, Goto-Azuma K, Tsushima A, , Motoyama H, Matoba S, Fujita K, Yamasaki T, Onuma Y, Minowa M, Aoki T, Hirabayashi M
Variations in mineralogy of dust in an ice core obtained from Northwestern Greenland during the past 100 years.
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Dec 4-7, 2018, poster05Dec.對馬あかね, 李貞, 佐野雅規, 藤田耕史, 中塚武, 木村勝彦, 大山幹成, 安江恒
樹木年輪研究会, つくば, Dec 1-3, 2018, oral02Dec.Santra S, Verma S, Fujita K
Sources and implication of black carbon (BC) aerosols simulated over Hindukush-Himalayan (HKH) region on glacier snowmelt runoff.
Conference on Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association (IASTA), Delhi, India, Nov 26-28, 2018, oral28Nov.北海道胆振地震により雪氷研究大会中止
東久美子, 塚川佳美, 近藤豊, Dallmayr R, 平林幹啓, 尾形純, 北村亨太郎, 川村賢二, 本山秀明, 的場澄人, 門田萌, 青木輝夫, 茂木信宏, 大畑祥, 森樹大, 小池真, 小室悠紀, 對馬あかね, 永塚尚子, 藤田耕史
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Sep 9-12, 2018, poster10Sep.Pérez-Guillén CC, 常松佳恵, 西村浩一, 堀川信一郎, 本多亮, 吉本充宏
地震データから読み取る富士山の雪崩の特徴 -その2-.
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Sep 9-12, 2018, oral12Sep.福井幸太郎, 飯田肇, 藤田耕史
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Sep 9-12, 2018, oral12Sep.伊藤陽一, 西村浩一, 齋藤佳彦, 今井俊昭, 堀川信一郎, Pérez-Guillén CC, Issler D, Fischer JT, 常松佳恵, 本多亮, 藤田耕史, 砂子宗次朗, 新屋啓文, 辻滉樹, 森章一, 藤田和之, 新谷暁生
人工雪崩実験による雪崩ダイナミクスの解明 -その6 2018年冬期に実施した人工雪崩実験および自然発生した雪崩の観測-.
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Sep 9-12, 2018, oral12Sep.小松麻美, 西村浩一, 堤拓哉
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Sep 9-12, 2018, oral12Sep.永塚尚子, 東久美子, 對馬あかね, 本山秀明, 的場澄人, 藤田耕史, 山崎哲秀, 大沼友貴彦, 箕輪昌紘, 青木輝夫, 平林幹啓
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Sep 9-12, 2018, poster10Sep.根本征樹, 西村浩一, 大宮哲, 櫻井俊光, 下山宏, 新屋啓文, 羽賀秀樹, 伊藤陽一
高密度集中観測による吹雪の時空間構造の解明 -北海道石狩郡当別町における2018年冬期の観測-.
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Sep 9-12, 2018, poster10Sep.新屋啓文, 大風翼, 西村浩一
雪粒子の空気輸送モデルによる地吹雪メカニズムの解明 -その3 風速増加に伴う輸送形態の変化-.
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Sep 9-12, 2018, oral12Sep.鋸屋遥香, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 川村賢二, 對馬あかね, 宮内謙史郎, 堀燿一朗, Aizen VB, Osmonov A
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Sep 9-12, 2018, poster10Sep.坂井亜規子
GAMDAM 氷河インベントリ最終版.
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Sep 9-12, 2018, poster10Sep.坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Sep 9-12, 2018, oral12Sep.佐藤洋太, 藤田耕史, 井上公, 對馬あかね, 砂子宗次朗, 坂井亜規子, 阿部隆博, Kayastha RB
ネパール・ヒマラヤ トランバウ氷河における氷壁の分布特性.
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Sep 9-12, 2018, oral10Sep.柴田麻衣, 山口悟, 藤田耕史, 安達聖, 安藤卓人, 藤田秀二, 堀彰, 青木輝夫, 飯塚芳徳
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Sep 9-12, 2018, oral10Sep.砂子宗次朗, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Sep 9-12, 2018, poster10Sep.辻滉樹, 西村浩一, 山口悟, 平島寛行
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Sep 9-12, 2018, oral10Sep.對馬あかね, 東久美子, 藤田耕史, 永塚尚子, 的場澄人, 本山秀明, 青木輝夫
グリーンランド広域表面積雪およびSIGMA-D アイスコア中の17O-excess とd-excess の変動.
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Sep 9-12, 2018, poster10Sep.對馬あかね, 佐野雅規, 藤田耕史, 竹内望
雪氷研究大会, 札幌, Sep 9-12, 2018, poster10Sep.Iizuka Y, Uemura R, Fujita K, Matoba S, SE-Dome ice core project members
Aerosols preserved in a high-accumulation dome ice core, southeast Greenland.
POLAR2018, SCAR and IASC Conference, Davos, Switzerland, Jun 15-26, 2018, poster20Jun.青木輝夫, 庭野匡思, 谷川朋範, 石元裕史, 堀雅裕, 島田利元, 的場澄人, 山崎哲秀, 山口悟, 藤田耕史, 飯塚芳徳, 本山秀明
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-24, 2018, oral24May.藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-24, 2018, oral23May.服部祥平, 鶴田明日香, 飯塚芳徳, 藤田耕史, 植村立, 的場澄人, 吉田尚弘
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-24, 2018, oral22May.飯塚芳徳, 的場澄人, 古川崚仁, 安藤卓人, 斉藤健, Parvin F, 網野智美, 柴田麻衣, 門田萌, 関宰, 杉山慎, 植村立, 藤田耕史, 鶴田明日香, 服部祥平, 藤田秀二, 本山秀明, 永塚尚子, 大藪幾美, 山口悟, 安達聖, 大野浩, 堀彰, 宮本千尋, 高橋嘉夫, 鈴木利孝, 佐々木千晶, Bautista VA, 松﨑浩之, 堀内一穂, 宮本淳, 芳村圭, Sjolte J, 庭野匡思, 大島長, 橋本明弘, 山崎哲秀, 青木輝夫
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-24, 2018, oral22May. [invited]永塚尚子, 東久美子, 本山秀明, 的場澄人, 藤田耕史, 山崎哲秀, 大沼友貴彦, 箕輪昌紘, 青木輝夫, 平林幹啓, Dallmayr R
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-24, 2018, poster24May.庭野匡思, 青木輝夫, 橋本明弘, 的場澄人, 山口悟, 谷川朋範, 藤田耕史, 飯塚芳徳
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-24, 2018, oral24May.Pérez-Guillén CC, 常松佳恵, 西村浩一, 吉本充宏, 堀川信一郎, 本多亮
Characterization of Snow Avalanches on Mt. Fuji based on Seismic Analysis and Numerical Simulations.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-24, 2018, oral23May. [invited]Podolskiy EA, Fujita K, Sunako S, Tsushima A, Kayastha RB
Ambient seismic noise at a Himalayan debris-covered glacier.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-24, 2018, oral24May.佐藤洋太, 藤田耕史, 井上公, 砂子宗次朗, 對馬あかね, 坂井亜規子
Structure from Motion技術を用いたネパールヒマラヤ・トランバウ氷河における2007-2017年の表面標高変化.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-24, 2018, poster23May.柴田麻衣, 山口悟, 谷川朋範, 藤田耕史, 安達聖, 安藤卓人, 藤田秀二, 堀彰, 青木輝夫, 飯塚芳徳
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-24, 2018, poster22May.砂子宗次朗, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-24, 2018, oral23May. [invited]對馬あかね, 東久美子, 的場澄人, 永塚尚子, 青木輝夫, 藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-24, 2018, poster24May.對馬あかね, 佐野雅規, 李貞, 中塚武, 安江恒, 藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-24, 2018, oral23May.對馬あかね, 佐野雅規, 砂子宗次朗, Podolskiy EA, 佐藤洋太, 藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-24, 2018, poster22May.植村立, 本山秀明, Masson-Delmotte V, Jouzel J, 川村賢二, 東久美子, 藤田秀二, 倉元隆之, 平林啓幹, 三宅隆之, 大野浩, 藤田耕史, 阿部彩子, 飯塚芳徳, 堀川信一郎, 五十嵐誠, 鈴木啓助, 鈴木利孝, 藤井理行
720,000-year records of Antarctic and oceanic temperatures related to solar forcing and CO2.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-24, 2018, oral21May.佐藤洋太, 藤田耕史, 井上公, 對馬あかね, 砂子宗次朗, 坂井亜規子, Kayastha RB
ネパール・ヒマラヤ トランバウ氷河における UAV-SfMより作成された数値標高モデルの精度検証.
日本リモートセンシング学会, 柏, May 17-18, 2018, poster18May.Fujita K, Takeuchi N, Niwano M, Aoki T
Modelling development and decay of cryoconite holes on Qaanaaq Ice Cap, northwestern Greenland.
International Symposium on Cryosphere and Biosphere, International Glaciological Society, Kyoto, Japan, Mar 14-19, 2018, oral19Mar.Segawa T, Yonezawa T, Edwards A, Fujita K, Aisen VB, Navarro F, Li ZQ, Takeuchi N
Biogeography and demographic analysis of cryoconite-forming cyanobacteria on glaciers.
International Symposium on Cryosphere and Biosphere, International Glaciological Society, Kyoto, Japan, Mar 14-19, 2018, oral19Mar.Aoki T, Niwano M, Tanikawa T, Matoba S, Yamaguchi S, Yamasaki T, Fujita K, Iizuka Y, Motoyama H, Hori M, Shimada R
Positive feedback effect of NIR albedo reduction on surface melting observed at SIGMA-A on Greenland ice sheet.
ISAR-5, Fifth International Symposium on Arctic Research, Tokyo, Japan, Jan 15-18, 2018, oral18Jan.Iizuka Y, Matoba S, Uemura R, Fujita K, Fujita S, Hattori S, Yamaguchi S, Ohno H, Hori A, Miyamoto C, Suzuki T, Seki O, Ando T
General characteristics of a high-accumulation dome ice core, southeast Greenland.
ISAR-5, Fifth International Symposium on Arctic Research, Tokyo, Japan, Jan 15-18, 2018, poster17Jan.Hattori S, Tsuruta A, Iizuka Y, Fujita K, Uemura R, Matoba S, Yoshida N
Reconstruction of nitrate isotopes preserved in high-accumulation dome at South East Greenland.
ISAR-5, Fifth International Symposium on Arctic Research, Tokyo, Japan, Jan 15-18, 2018, oral18Jan.Nagatsuka N, Goto-Azuma K, Tsushima A, Motoyama H, Matoba S, Fujita K, Yamasaki T, Onuma Y, Minowa M, Aoki T
Variations in mineralogy of dust in an ice core obtained from Northwestern Greenland.
ISAR-5, Fifth International Symposium on Arctic Research, Tokyo, Japan, Jan 15-18, 2018, poster17Jan.Niwano M, Aoki T, Hashimoto A, Matoba S, Yamaguchi S, Tanikawa T, Fujita K, Tsushima A, Iizuka Y, Shimada R, Hori M
Evaluation of the Greenland Ice Sheet surface mass balance estimated by the NHM-SMAP regional climate model.
ISAR-5, Fifth International Symposium on Arctic Research, Tokyo, Japan, Jan 15-18, 2018, oral18Jan.
2017 return to Top
Aizen VB, Aizen EM, Mayewski PA, Zhou H, Rodda C, Joswiak D, Takeuchi N, Fujita K, Kurbatov A, Grigholm BO
Aridity of Central Asia through the Holocene.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, USA, Dec 11-15, 2017, oral14Dec.Fujita K, Sunako S, Sakai A, Fukui K, Sugiyama S, Kayastha RB
In-situ measurement of mass balance on a debris-covered Trambau Glacier, Nepal Himalaya.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, USA, Dec 11-15, 2017, oral15Dec.栗田直幸, 赤田尚史, 藤田耕史, 本山秀明
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Dec 4-8, 2017, oral05Dec.永塚尚子, 東久美子, 對馬あかね, 本山秀明, 的場澄人, 藤田耕史, 山崎哲秀, 大沼友貴彦, 箕輪昌紘, 青木輝夫
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Dec 4-8, 2017, poster05Dec.庭野匡思, 青木輝夫, 橋本明弘, 的場澄人, 山口悟, 谷川朋範, 藤田耕史, 對馬あかね, 飯塚芳徳, 島田利元, 堀雅裕
日本気象学会秋季大会, 札幌, Oct 30-Nov 2, 2017, oral30Oct.福井幸太郎, 藤田耕史, Tshering P, 古屋正人
雪氷研究大会, 十日町, Sep 24-27, 2017, oral27Sep.堀燿一朗, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 川村賢二, 對馬あかね, 宮内謙史郎, Aizen VB, Osmonov A
雪氷研究大会, 十日町, Sep 24-27, 2017, poster26Sep.伊藤陽一, 西村浩一, 齋藤佳彦, Pérez-Guillén C, 砂子宗次朗, 新屋啓文, 山口悟, 新谷暁生
人工雪崩実験による雪崩ダイナミクスの解明 −その4 2017年冬期に実施した実験の概要−.
雪氷研究大会, 十日町, Sep 24-27, 2017, oral27Sep.永塚尚子, 東久美子, 本山秀明, 的場澄人, 藤田耕史, 山崎哲秀, 大沼友貴彦, 箕輪昌紘, 青木輝夫
雪氷研究大会, 十日町, Sep 24-27, 2017, oral27Sep.根本征樹, 西村浩一, 大宮哲, 下山宏, 新屋啓文, 羽賀秀樹, 伊藤陽一
雪氷研究大会, 十日町, Sep 24-27, 2017, oral25Sep.新屋啓文, 大風翼, 西村浩一
雪粒子の空気輸送モデルによる地吹雪メカニズムの解明 −その1ラージ・エディ・シミュレーションに基づくラグランジュ型雪粒子輸送モデルの構築−.
雪氷研究大会, 十日町, Sep 24-27, 2017, oral25Sep.西村浩一
雪氷研究大会, 十日町, Sep 24-27, 2017, oral25Sep.庭野匡思, 青木輝夫, 橋本明弘, 的場澄人, 山口悟, 谷川朋範, 藤田耕史, 對馬あかね, 飯塚芳徳, 島田利元, 堀雅裕
極域気候モデル NHM-SMAP のグリーンランド氷床における計算精度.
雪氷研究大会, 十日町, Sep 24-27, 2017, oral27Sep.大風翼, 新屋啓文, 西村浩一
雪粒子の空気輸送モデルによる地吹雪メカニズムの解明 −その2数値計算による境界層中の非定常な地吹雪の再現−.
雪氷研究大会, 十日町, Sep 24-27, 2017, oral25Sep.大田晃三郎, 砂子宗次朗, 坂井亜規子, 大森弘一郎, 藤田耕史
雪氷研究大会, 十日町, Sep 24-27, 2017, oral27Sep.Pérez-Guillén C, 西村浩一, 伊藤陽一, 山口悟
人工雪崩実験による雪崩ダイナミクスの解明 −その5 新たな計測技術の適用−.
雪氷研究大会, 十日町, Sep 24-27, 2017, oral27Sep.砂子宗次朗, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子
雪氷研究大会, 十日町, Sep 24-27, 2017, oral27Sep.竹中修平, 坂井亜規子
雪氷研究大会, 十日町, Sep 24-27, 2017, poster26Sep.辻滉樹, 西村浩一, 桂木洋光, 山口悟, 平島寛行
雪氷研究大会, 十日町, Sep 24-27, 2017, poster26Sep.鶴田明日香, 服部祥平, 飯塚芳徳, 藤田耕史, 植村立, 的場澄人, 吉田尚弘
雪氷研究大会, 十日町, Sep 24-27, 2017, oral27Sep.對馬あかね, Gkinis V, 東久美子, 的場澄人, 永塚尚子, 本山秀明, 藤田耕史, 青木輝夫
グリーンランド北西部で掘削されたアイスコア中の過去約80年間におけるδ17O および17O-excess の変動傾向.
雪氷研究大会, 十日町, Sep 24-27, 2017, poster26Sep.古川崚仁, 植村立, 藤田耕史, Sjolte J, 芳村圭, 的場澄人, 飯塚芳徳
日本地球化学会第64回年会, 大岡山, Sep 13-15, 2017, oral13Sep.鶴田明日香, 服部祥平, 飯塚芳徳, 藤田耕史, 植村立, 的場澄人, 吉田尚弘
日本地球化学会第64回年会, 大岡山, Sep 13-15, 2017, oral13Sep.Fujita K, Inoue H, Izumi T, Yamaguchi S, Sadakane A, Sunako S, Nishimura K, Immerzeel WW, Shea JM, Kayastha RB, Sawagaki T, Breashears DF, Yagi H, Sakai A
Anomalous winter-snow-amplified earthquake-induced disaster of the 2015 Langtang avalanche in Nepal.
Third Pole Science Summit - TPE-CSTP-HKT Joint Conference, Kunming, China, Jul 10-12, 2017, oral12Jul. [invited]Sakai A, Fujita K
Contrasting glacier responses to recent climate change in high-mountain Asia.
Third Pole Science Summit - TPE-CSTP-HKT Joint Conference, Kunming, China, Jul 10-12, 2017, oral10Jul. [invited]Fukui K, Fujita K, Tshering P, Furuya M
Rock glaciers in the Bhutan Himalayas.
The 2nd Asian Conference on Permafrost (ACOP2017), Sapporo, Japan, Jul 2-6, 2017, oral03Jul.青崎裕有, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, Aizen VB
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2017, oral23May.古川崚仁, 植村立, 藤田耕史, Sjolte J, 芳村圭, 的場澄人, 飯塚芳徳
Seasonal scale dating of a shallow ice core from Greenland using oxygen isotope matching between data and simulation.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2017, poster23May.平沢尚彦, 青木輝夫, 林政彦, 藤田耕史, 飯塚芳徳, 栗田直幸, 本山秀明, 山内恭, 末吉哲雄
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2017, poster24May.飯塚芳徳, 藤田耕史, 服部祥平, 植村立, 関宰, 宮本千尋, 鈴木利孝, 吉田尚弘, 本山秀明, 的場澄人
A 60-year record of atmospheric sulfate and nitrate depositions preserved in the high-accumulation dome ice core, South East Greenland.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2017, poster23May.重岡優希, 中塚武, 佐野雅規, 對馬あかね, 李貞, 安江恒, 藤田耕史
Correlation between two tree-ring d18O chronologies from coastal areas of Pacific and Japan Sea in Hokkaido, North Japan.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2017, oral22May.砂子宗次朗, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子
Measurement of mass balance with high altitude, and thermal property of debris-covered area at the Trambau Glacier, Nepal.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2017, oral22May.竹内望, 藤田耕史, 川村賢二, 對馬あかね, 宮内謙史郎, 堀燿一朗, Aizen VB, Osmonov A
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2017, oral23May.Sunako S, Fujita K, Inoue H, Immerzeel WW, Izumi T
Quality assessment of UAV based DEMs derived from different platforms using the structure-from-motion technique.
International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2017, Nagoya, Japan, May 17-19, 2017, poster18May.Ota K, Fujita K, Sakai A, Sunako S, Ohmori K
Surface elevation change of glaciers revealed by digital elevation models using aerial photographs with SfM technique in Khumbu region, Nepal Himalaya, from the 1970s to 2016.
International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2017, Nagoya, Japan, May 17-19, 2017, poster18May.Nuimura T, Fujita K, Sakai A
Downwasting of Lirung Glacier in Langtang Valley, Nepal Himalayas since 1974.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria, Apr 23-28, 2017, oral28Apr.Sunako S, Fujita K, Sakai A
Spatial distribution of thermal resistance as a proxy of debris thickness of Asian debris-covered glaciers.
International Symposium on the Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, Wellington, New Zealand, Feb 12-17, 2017, oral15Feb.Sakai A, Fujita K
Contrasting glacier responses to recent climate change in High Mountain Asia.
International Symposium on the Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, Wellington, New Zealand, Feb 12-17, 2017, oral14Feb.Nagai H, Ukita J, Tadono T, Suzuki S, Narama C, Yamanokuchi T, Tomiyama N, Sakai A, Fujita K
Glacial lake inventory of Bhutan using ALOS data: completion and application for the risk assessment of glacial lake outburst floods.
International Symposium on the Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, Wellington, New Zealand, Feb 12-17, 2017, oral15Feb.
2016 return to Top
Sinisalo A, Fujita K, Zwinger T, Gustafsson J, Maharjan S, Joshi SP, Stumm D, Litt M, Koch I
Thermal structure of Rikha Samba glacier, Nepal Himalayas.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, USA, Dec 12-16, 2016, poster12Dec.Gurung TR, Kayastha RB, Fujita K, Sinisalo A, Stumm D, Joshi SP, Litt M
Modelled and observed mass balance of Rikha Samba Glacier, Nepal, Central Himalaya.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, USA, Dec 12-16, 2016, poster12Dec.青木輝夫, 庭野匡思, 谷川朋範, 的場澄人, 山口悟, 山崎哲秀, 藤田耕史, 本山秀明, 堀雅裕, 島田利元
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Nov 29-Dec 2, 2016, oral29Nov.平沢尚彦, 青木輝夫, 林政彦, 藤田耕史, 飯塚芳徳, 栗田直幸, 本山秀明, 山内恭
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Nov 29-Dec 2, 2016, oral2Dec.的場澄人, 飯塚芳徳, 山崎哲秀, 本山秀明, 藤田耕史, 青木輝夫, 杉山慎
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Nov 29-Dec 2, 2016, oral2Dec.永塚尚子, 東久美子, 本山秀明, 的場澄人, 藤田耕史, 山崎哲秀, 大沼友貴彦, 箕輪昌紘, 小室悠紀, 青木輝夫, 平林幹啓, Dallmayr R
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Nov 29-Dec 2, 2016, oral2Dec.中澤文男, 陶山佳久, 伊村智, 本山秀明, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 植竹淳
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Nov 29-Dec 2, 2016, oral2Dec.庭野匡思, 青木輝夫, 橋本明弘, 谷川朋範, 的場澄人, 山口悟, 藤田耕史, 本山秀明, 飯塚芳徳, 保坂征宏
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Nov 29-Dec 2, 2016, oral29Nov.青木輝夫, 庭野匡思, 谷川朋範, 的場澄人, 山口悟, 山崎哲秀, 藤田耕史, 本山秀明, 堀雅裕
日本気象学会秋季大会, 名古屋, Oct 26-28, 2016, oral28Oct.庭野匡思, 青木輝夫, 橋本明弘, 谷川朋範, 保坂征宏, 堀雅裕, 的場澄人, 山口悟, 藤田耕史, 本山秀明
日本気象学会秋季大会, 名古屋, Oct 26-28, 2016, oral28Oct.青木輝夫, 庭野匡思, 谷川朋範, 的場澄人, 山口悟, 山崎哲秀, 藤田耕史, 本山秀明, 堀雅裕
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, oral29Sep.藤田耕史, 井上公, 泉岳樹, 山口悟, 貞兼綾子, 砂子宗次朗, 西村浩一, Immerzeel WW, Shea JM, Kayastha RB, 澤柿教伸, Breashears DB, 八木浩司,坂井亜規子
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, oral29Sep.井上公, 藤田耕史, 砂子宗次朗
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, oral29Sep.伊藤陽一, 西村浩一, 藤田耕史, 山口悟, 和泉薫, 河島克久, 上石勲
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, oral29Sep.川村賢二, 本山秀明, 東久美子, 藤田秀二, 古川晶雄, 中澤文男, 青木周司, 東信彦, 阿部彩子, 飯塚芳徳, 植村立, 内田努, 大野浩, 亀田貴雄, 鈴木利孝, 高田守昌, 平林幹啓, 藤田耕史, 福井幸太郎, 堀彰, 堀内一穂, 的場澄人, 宮本淳
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, oral1Oct.小松麻美, 西村浩一, 中林宏典, 川村文芳, 丹治和博, 松岡直基, 石本敬志
簡易な積雪変質モデルの出力結果検証 -2013年1月北海道三国峠における観測結果を用いて-
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, oral1Oct.小室悠紀, 鈴木利孝, 大沼友貴彦, 箕輪昌紘, 山崎哲秀, 的場澄人, 藤田耕史, 平林幹啓, 本山秀明, 青木輝夫
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, oral30Sep.森本直矢, 杉山慎, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子, 砂子宗次朗
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, oral1Oct.永塚尚子, 東久美子, 本山秀明, 的場澄人, 藤田耕史, 山崎哲秀, 大沼友貴彦, 箕輪昌紘, 小室悠紀, 青木輝夫, 平林幹啓, Dallmayr R
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, poster29Sep.中澤文男, 陶山佳久, 伊村智, 本山秀明, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 植竹淳
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, poster29Sep.新屋啓文, 西村浩一
雪粒子の空気輸送ヒステリシス -地表面に働く流体・粒子剪断応力の性質-.
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, oral1Oct.西村浩一, 伊藤陽一, 山口悟, 齋藤佳彦, 新谷暁生
人工雪崩実験による雪崩ダイナミクスの解明 -その1 国際シンポジウムの開催と予備実験の実施-.
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, oral1Oct.西村浩一, 常松佳恵, 吉本充宏, 堀川信一郎
富士山おけるスラッシュ雪崩の発生とその流動機構 -その2 地震計と空振計による観測から-.
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, poster29Sep.庭野匡思, 青木輝夫, 橋本明弘, 谷川朋範, 保坂征宏, 堀雅裕, 島田利元, 的場澄人, 山口悟, 藤田耕史, 本山秀明
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, oral29Sep.縫村崇行, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, oral1Oct.Ojha S, Fujita K, Sakai A, Nagai H, Lamsal D
Topographic control on debris cover extension in the mid-eastern Himalaya.
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, oral1Oct.斉藤翔吾, 西村浩一, 齋藤佳彦, 木村一郎
人工雪崩実験における雪崩ダイナミクスの解明 -その3 雪崩数値シミュレーションによる再現計算-.
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, oral1Oct.齋藤佳彦, 西村浩一, 伊藤陽一, 新谷暁生, 斉藤翔吾, 木村一郎, 今井俊昭, イセンコ・エフゲーニー
人工雪崩実験による雪崩ダイナミクスの解明 -その2 UAV撮影画像による雪崩動態解析-.
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, oral1Oct.坂井亜規子
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, poster30Sep.砂子宗次朗, 藤田耕史, 井上公, 泉岳樹, Immerzeel WW
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, poster29Sep.砂子宗次朗, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, oral1Oct.鈴木健仁, 山口悟, 西村浩一
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, oral29Sep.竹中修平, 坂井亜規子
LazyClimber法による氷河の平衡線高度の推定(2) -カービング氷河への適用-.
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, poster30Sep.常松佳恵, 安田泰輔, 吉本充宏, 西村浩一, 佐々木寿, 千葉達朗, 荒井健一, 藤田浩司
富士山おけるスラッシュ雪崩の発生とその流動機構 -その1 2016年に発生したスラッシュ雪崩の概要-.
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, oral30Sep.山口悟, 貞兼綾子, 西村浩一, 藤田耕史
雪氷研究大会, 名古屋, Sep 28-Oct 1, 2016, poster29Sep.平沢尚彦, 青木輝夫, 林政彦, 藤田耕史, 飯塚芳徳, 栗田直幸, 本山秀明
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-26, 2016, poster25May.縫村崇行, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-26, 2016, poster25May.坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-26, 2016, oral25May.鈴木健仁, 山口悟, 西村浩一
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-26, 2016, poster25May.竹内望, 藤田耕史, Aizen VB
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-26, 2016, oral25May.Fujita K, Katastha RB,
Preliminary results of field investigation of the Langtang ice-rock avalanche after the Gorkha Earthquake 2015.
Experts' Forum on Coping with Disasters organizing by the SciDev.Net – South Asia and the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP), Kathmandu, Nepal, Feb 28, 2016, oral28Feb. [invited]Haritashya UK, Kargel JS, Shugar DH, Leonard GJ, Fujita K, Fielding EJ,
Gorkha Nepal Earthquake: Assessing little effect on glacial lakes.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, Apr 17-22, 2016, oral21Apr. [invited]Schlosser E, Dittmann A, Stenni B, Masson-Delmotte V, Powers JG, Manning KW, Raphael M, Fujita K, Werner M, Valt M, Cagnati A
Precipitation regime and stable isotopes at Dome C and Dome Fuji, East Antarctica.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, Apr 17-22, 2016, poster20Apr.Sinisalo A, Fujita K, Gustafsson J, Fukuda T, Joshi S, Stumm D, Shea J
Ice thickness and thermal structure of a high altitude Himalayan glacier.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, Apr 17-22, 2016, poster21Apr.Stumm D, Fujita K, Gurung T, Joshi S, Litt M, Shea J, Sherpa M, Sinisalo A, Wagnon P
The seasonal in-situ mass balance, temperature and precipitation of Yala Glacier, Langtang Valley, Nepal, from 2011 to 2015.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, Apr 17-22, 2016, poster21Apr.藤田耕史
2015ランタン大なだれ復興支援シンポジウム, 市ヶ谷, Jan 10, 2016, oral10Jan. [invited]
2015 return to Top
Kargel JS, Collins B, Fielding EJ, Fujita K, Haritashya UK, Hudnut KW, Leonard GJ, Shugar DH, Sakai A Jibson R
Why did the Nepal Gorkha Earthquake Have so few Effects on Glacial Lakes?
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, USA, Dec 14-18, 2015, oral15Dec. [invited]Iizuka Y, Matoba S, Shinbori K, Saito T, Furukawa R, Oyabu I, Kadota M, Seki O, Sugiyama S, Miyamoto A, Yamasaki T, Hori A, Aoki T, Yamaguchi S, Fujita K, Uemura R, Fujita S, Motoyama H
Shallow ice core project on south-east dome in Greenland -Drilling report and science trench of the ice core-.
低温科学国際シンポジウム, 札幌, Nov 30- Dec 2, 2015, poster1Dec.Morimoto N, Sugiyama S, Fujita K
Surface elevation change on Trambau Glacier, Nepal Himalaya, based on remote sensing techniques.
低温科学国際シンポジウム, 札幌, Nov 30- Dec 2, 2015, poster1Dec.平沢尚彦, 青木輝夫, 林政彦, 藤田耕史, 飯塚芳徳, 栗田直幸, 本山秀明
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Nov 16-19, 2015, oral16Nov.門田萌, 的場澄人, 本山秀明, 藤田耕史, 山崎哲秀, 大沼友貴彦, 箕輪昌紘, 小室悠紀, 青木輝夫
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Nov 16-19, 2015, oral16Nov.福井幸太郎, 飯田肇, 藤田耕史, 砂子宗次朗
雪氷研究大会, 松本, Sep 13-16, 2015, oral15Sep.保科優, 藤田耕史, 本山秀明
雪氷研究大会, 松本, Sep 13-16, 2015, poster14Sep.門田萌, 的場澄人, 本山秀明, 藤田耕史, 山崎哲秀, 大沼友貴彦, 箕輪昌紘, 小室悠紀, 青木輝夫
雪氷研究大会, 松本, Sep 13-16, 2015, poster14Sep.小室悠紀, 鈴木利孝, 大沼友貴彦, 箕輪昌紘, 山崎哲秀, 的場澄人, 藤田耕史, 平林幹啓, 本山秀明, 青木輝夫
雪氷研究大会, 松本, Sep 13-16, 2015, poster14Sep.森本直矢, 杉山慎, 藤田耕史
ALOS PRISM画像を用いたヒマラヤ・トランバウ氷河の表面高度解析.
雪氷研究大会, 松本, Sep 13-16, 2015, poster14Sep.新屋啓文, 西村浩一
雪氷研究大会, 松本, Sep 13-16, 2015, oral14Sep.西村浩一, 石丸民之永, 伊藤陽一, 芳賀秀樹, 根本征樹, 鳥田宏行
雪氷研究大会, 松本, Sep 13-16, 2015, oral14Sep.縫村崇行, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子
雪氷研究大会, 松本, Sep 13-16, 2015, oral14Sep.砂子宗次朗, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子
雪氷研究大会, 松本, Sep 13-16, 2015, oral14Sep.竹中修平, 坂井亜規子
Ojha S, Fujita K, Asahi K, Sakai A, Lamsal D, Nuimura T, Nagai H
等高線を用いた氷河の平衡線高度の推定 -LazyClimber法による方法-.
雪氷研究大会, 松本, Sep 13-16, 2015, oral14Sep.
Areal changes in glaciers in the eastern Nepal Himalayas since 1992.
XIX International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) Congress, Nagoya, Japan, Jul 26 - Aug 2, 2015, poster31Jul.Nagai H, Tadono T, Fujita K, Sakai A, Nuimura T
Comparison and evaluation of satellite-derived glacier outlines.
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2015 (IGARSS 2015), Milan, Italy, July 26-31, 2015, poster28Jul.Sakai A, Nuimura T, Taniguchi K, Nagai H, Lamsal D, Tsutaki S, Hoshina Y, Takenaka S, Omiya S, Tsunematsu K, Tshering P, Fujita K
The GAMDAM Glacier Inventory: a quality controlled inventory of Asian glaciers.
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly 2015, Prague, Czech, June 22 - July 2, 2015, oral23Jun.庭野匡思, 青木輝夫, 的場澄人, 山口悟, 藤田耕史, 谷川朋範, 對馬あかね, 朽木勝幸, 本山秀明
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 24-28, 2015, oral26May.藤田耕史, 的場澄人, 竹内望, 青木輝夫
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 24-28, 2015, oral26May. [invited]福井幸太郎, 藤田耕史, Tshering P
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 24-28, 2015, poster25May.保科優, 藤田耕史, 飯塚芳徳, 本山秀明
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 24-28, 2015, oral26May.縫村崇行, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 24-28, 2015, oral25May.竹内望, 大手信人, 藤田耕史, VB Aizen
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 24-28, 2015, oral26May.庭野匡思, 青木輝夫, 的場澄人, 山口悟, 藤田耕史, 谷川朋範, 對馬あかね, 朽木勝幸, 本山秀明
北西グリーンランド SIGMA-A・B サイトにおける気象条件の年々変動.
日本気象学会2015年度春季大会, つくば, May 21-24, 2015, oral23May.新屋啓文, 西村浩一
日本物理学会第70回年次大会, 東京, Mar 21-24, 2015, oral21Mar.Chiba R, Horaku, Y, Sango D, Shibayama T, Fukunaga T, Fujita K
Monitoring changes in lake area and damming moraine of Imja Glacial Lake in the Nepal Himalayas by high resolution TerraSAR-X.
International Symposium on Glaciology in High-Mountain Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, Mar 1-6, 2015, poster2Mar.Fujita K
Altitudinal gradients of air temperature and precipitation constrained by long-term mass balances of Yala Glacier, Langtang Valley, Nepal Himalayas.
International Symposium on Glaciology in High-Mountain Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, Mar 1-6, 2015, poster2Mar.Joshi SP, Stumm D, Holzer N, Fujita K, Wagnon P,Bolch T, Shea JM, Mool PK
Mass and length change of Yala Glacier Langtang Valley, Nepal based on in-situ and remotely sensed gedoetic data, 1956 - 2014.
International Symposium on Glaciology in High-Mountain Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, Mar 1-6, 2015, poster2Mar.Lamsal D, Fujita K, Sakai A
Elevation changes of Kanchanjunga Glacier in the eastern Nepal Himalaya revealed by KH-9 Hexagon (1975) and ALOS PRISM (2010) stereo imageries.
International Symposium on Glaciology in High-Mountain Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, Mar 1-6, 2015, poster2Mar.Nagai H, Ukita J, Tadono T, Narama C, Yamanokuchi T, Tomiyama N, Sakai A, Fujita K
Ojha S, Fujita K, Asahi K, Sakai A, Lamsal D, Nuimura T, Nagai H
Glacial lake inventory of Bhutan using ALOS data: Part II. Coupling analysis of changes in lake and glacier.
International Symposium on Glaciology in High-Mountain Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, Mar 1-6, 2015, poster2Mar.
Decadal glacier surface change in mid-eastern Nepal Himalayas using aerial photographs and satellite imageries.
International Symposium on Glaciology in High-Mountain Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, Mar 1-6, 2015, poster2Mar.Sakai A, Fujita K
Climate regime and sensitivity of Asian glaciers revealed by GAMDAM Glacier Inventory.
International Symposium on Glaciology in High-Mountain Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, Mar 1-6, 2015, oral2Mar.Tshering P, Fujita K
Geodetic mass balance of Gangju La Glacier, Bhutan Himalayas from 2004 to 2014.
International Symposium on Glaciology in High-Mountain Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, Mar 1-6, 2015, oral4Mar.Fujita K, Sakai A
Modelling runoff from a Himalayan debris-covered glacier.
International Conference on Climate Change Innovation and Resilience for Sustainable Livelihood, Kathmandu, Nepal, Jan 12-14, 2015, poster12Jan.Sakai A, Fujita K
Climate regime and sensitivity of Asian glaciers revealed by GAMDAM Glacier Inventory.
International Conference on Climate Change Innovation and Resilience for Sustainable Livelihood, Kathmandu, Nepal, Jan 12-14, 2015, oral14Jan. [invited]
2014 return to Top
Sakai A, Fujita K
Climate regime and sensitivity of Asian glaciers revealed by GAMDAM Glacier Inventory.
The 5th Third Pole Environment Workshop, Berlin, Germany, Dec 8-9, 2015, ora8Dec. [invited]新屋啓文, 西村浩一
第20回交通流のシミュレーションシンポジウム, 名古屋, Dec 4-5, 2014, oral4Dec..福井幸太郎, 藤田耕史, Tshering P
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Dec 2-5, 2014, oral2Dec.的場澄人, 本山秀明, 藤田耕史, 山崎哲秀, 大沼友貴彦, 箕輪昌紘, 小室悠紀, 門田萌, 山口悟, 青木輝夫
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Dec 2-5, 2014, oral2Dec.丸山未妃呂, 津滝俊, 杉山慎, 澤柿教伸, 榊原大貴, 斉藤潤, 片山直紀, 藤田耕史, 青木輝夫
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Dec 2-5, 2014, poster5Dec.青木輝夫, 山口悟, 本吉弘岐, 朽木勝幸, 庭野匡思, 藤田耕史, 的場澄人, 八久保晶弘, 谷川朋範, 堀雅裕, 竹内由香里, 杉浦幸之助
雪氷研究大会, 八戸, Sep 20-22, 2014, oral22Sep.保科優, 藤田耕史, 飯塚芳徳, 本山秀明
雪氷研究大会, 八戸, Sep 20-22, 2014, oral21Sep.松橋勇太, 藤田耕史, 竹内望, Aizen VB, 成田英器
雪氷研究大会, 八戸, Sep 20-22, 2014, oral20Sep.本山秀明, 的場澄人, 藤田耕史, 山崎哲秀, 大沼友貴彦, 箕輪昌紘, 小室悠紀, 山口悟, 青木輝夫
グリーンランド北西氷床のアイスコア掘削について - SIGMA-D経過報告 -.
雪氷研究大会, 八戸, Sep 20-22, 2014, oral21Sep.永井裕人, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子, 縫村崇行, 田殿武雄
雪氷研究大会, 八戸, Sep 20-22, 2014, oral20Sep.新屋啓文, 西村浩一
雪氷研究大会, 八戸, Sep 20-22, 2014, oral22Sep.西村浩一, 森啓輔, 常松佳恵
雪氷研究大会, 八戸, Sep 20-22, 2014, oral20Sep.Ojha S, Fujita K, Asahi K, Sakai A, Nagai H, Nuimura T, Lamsal D
Assessing decadal glacier changes in southern flank of Mount Everest region with high resolution ALOS data.
雪氷研究大会, 八戸, Sep 20-22, 2014, oral20Sep.竹中修平, 坂井亜規子
怠惰な登山家は仮想空間で氷河を登る - LazyClimber法による氷河の長さの計測.
雪氷研究大会, 八戸, Sep 20-22, 2014, oral20Sep.新屋啓文, 西村浩一
日本物理学会2014年秋季大会, 名古屋, Sep 7-10, 2014, oral9Sep.Fujita K, Sakai A
Modelling runoff from a Himalayan debris-covered glacier.
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2014 Annual Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, Jul 28-Aug 1, 2014, oral31Jul.Sakai A, Nuimura T, Fujita K, Takenaka S, Taniguchi K, Nagai H, Lamsal D, Tsutaki S, Hoshina Y, Omiya S, Tsunematsu K, Tshering P, Kozawa A
Climate regime of Asian glaciers revealed by GAMDAM glacier inventory.
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2014 Annual Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, Jul 28-Aug 1, 2014, oral1Aug. [invited]Tshering P, Fujita K
Geodetic mass balance of Gangjula Glacier, Bhutan Himalaya from 2004 to 2013.
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2014 Annual Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, Jul 28-Aug 1, 2014, oral31Jul.保科優, 藤田耕史, 飯塚芳徳, 本山秀明
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 横浜, Apr 28 - May 2, 2014, oral29Apr.松橋勇太, 藤田耕史, 竹内望, Aizen VB
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 横浜, Apr 28 - May 2, 2014, oral29Apr.Tshering P, Fujita K
Geodetic mass balance of Gangjula Glacier, Bhutan Himalaya from 2004 to 2013.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 横浜, Apr 28 - May 2, 2014, oral29Apr.
2013 return to Top
Sakai A, Fujita K
Supraglacial lakes on Himalayan debris-covered glacier.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, USA, Dec 9-13, 2013, oral12Dec. [invited]Sakai A, Nuimura T, Taniguchi K, Lamsal D, Nagai H, Tsutaki S, Kozawa A, Hoshina Y, Takenaka S, Omiya S, Tsunematsu K, Tshering P, Fujita K, Okamoto S
Quality controlled glacier inventory in high Asian mountains.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, USA, Dec 9-13, 2013, oral12Dec.Fujita K, Sakai A
Climate regime of Asian glaciers revealed by a new GAMDAM glacier inventory.
The First Asian CryoNet Workshop, Global Cryosphere Watch, World Meteorological Organization, Beijing, China, Dec 3-5, 2013, oral4Dec. [invited]Fujita K, Iizuka Y, Hara K, Matoba S, Hirasawa N, Motoyama H
Toward understanding atmosphere-snow surface interactions in inland Antarctica.
The Fourth Symposium on Polar Science, Tachikawa, Japan, Nov 12-15, 2013, oral14Nov.Iizuka Y, Fujita K, Matoba S, Oyabu I, Hara K, Hirasawa N, Motoyama H
Snow sampling on Antractica -impulity analyses of Antarctic snow-.
The Fourth Symposium on Polar Science, Tachikawa, Japan, Nov 12-15, 2013, poster14Nov.Goto-Azuma K,Hirabayashi M, Motoyama H, Miyake T, Kuramoto T, Uemura R, Kawamura K, Parrenin P, Suzuki K, Iizuka Y, Suzuki K, Igarashi M, Fujii Y, Suzuki T, Horikawa S, Kohno M, Fujita K, Sakurai T, Kobashi T
Environmental changes over the last 700 kyrs from chemical analysis of the Dome Fuji ice core.
The Fourth Symposium on Polar Science, Tachikawa, Japan, Nov 12-15, 2013, oral12Nov.保科優, 藤田耕史, 飯塚芳徳, 本山秀明
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Nov 12-15, 2013, oral12Nov.三宅隆之, 藤井理行, 平林幹啓, 東久美子, 植村立, 倉元隆之, 本山秀明, 藤田耕史, 堀川信一郎, 飯塚芳徳, 五十嵐誠, 河野美香, 鈴木啓助, 鈴木利孝
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Nov 12-15, 2013, poster13Nov.植村立, 本山秀明, Masson-Delmotte V, Jouzel J, 三宅隆之, 平林幹啓, 倉元隆之, 大野浩, 河野美香, 東久美子, 藤井理行, 藤田耕史, 堀川信一郎, 飯塚芳徳, 五十嵐誠, 鈴木啓助, 鈴木利孝
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Nov 12-15, 2013, poster13Nov.Ito Y, Nishimura K, Naaim-Bouvet F, Bellot H, Ravanat X, Thibert E
Wind and snow particle distribution in powder snow cloud.
International Snow Science Workshop, Grenoble, France, Oct 7-11, 2013, oral7Oct.Naaim M, Naaim-Bouvet F, Nishimura K, Abe O, Ito Y, Nemoto M, Kosugi K
Wind tunnel blowing snow study: steady and unsteady properties of wind velocity, mass fluxes and mass exchanges.
International Snow Science Workshop, Grenoble, France, Oct 7-11, 2013, poster8Oct.Naaim-Bouvet F, Gilbert G, Bellot H, Durand Y, Naaim M, Vionnet V, Genthon C, Nishimura K, Ito Y, Prokop A
Lac Blanc Pass: a natural wind-tunnel for studying drifting snow at 2700 m a.s.l.
International Snow Science Workshop, Grenoble, France, Oct 7-11, 2013, oral10Oct.Naaim-Bouvet F, Bellot H, Naaim M, Nishimura K
Size distribution, Schmidt number and terminal velocity of blowing snow particles in the French Alps: comparison with previous studies.
International Snow Science Workshop, Grenoble, France, Oct 7-11, 2013, poster8Oct.Nishimura K, Yokoyama C, Ito Y, Nemoto M, Naaim-Bouvet F, Bellot H, Fujita K
Snow particle speeds in blowing snow.
International Snow Science Workshop, Grenoble, France, Oct 7-11, 2013, poster8Oct.Prokop A, Schon P, Vionnet V, Naaim-Bouvet F, Guyomarch G, Durand Y, Bellot H, Finger F, Nishimura K
A comparison of terrain-based parameter, wind-field modelling and TLS snow depth data for snow drift modeling.
International Snow Science Workshop, Grenoble, France, Oct 7-11, 2013, poster8Oct.Thibert E, Bellot H, Ravanat X, Ousset F, Pulfer G, Naaim M, Naaim-Bouvet F, Nishimura K, Ito Y, Baroudi D, Prokop A, Schon P, Soruco A, Vincent C, Limam A, Pesaresi D
The full-scale avalanche test site, Lautaret, France.
International Snow Science Workshop, Grenoble, France, Oct 7-11, 2013, oral10Oct.Nishimura K, Ito Y, Komatsu A, Tanji K, Matsuoka N
Application of a simple snow cover model to avalanche warning systems.
International Symposium "Physics, Chemistry and Mechanics of Snow", Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia, Sep 23-28, 2013, oral25Sep.保科優, 藤田耕史, 中澤文男, 飯塚芳徳, 三宅隆之, 平林啓幹, 倉元隆之, 本山秀明, 藤田秀二
雪氷研究大会, 北見, Sep 17-21, 2013, poster18Sep.保科優, 山口悟, 藤田耕史, 佐藤篤司, 的場澄人, 本山秀明
雪氷研究大会, 北見, Sep 17-21, 2013, oral18Sep.伊藤陽一, 西村浩一, 森啓輔, Naaim-Bouvet F, Bellot H, Ravanat X, Thibert E
雪氷研究大会, 北見, Sep 17-21, 2013, oral19Sep.Lamsal D, 渡辺悌二, 澤柿教伸, 坂井亜規子
Glacial surface lowering of debris-covered Imja and Chamlang-South glaciers in the Nepal Himalaya.
雪氷研究大会, 北見, Sep 17-21, 2013, oral20Sep.森啓輔, 西村浩一, 伊藤陽一, 阿部修
雪氷研究大会, 北見, Sep 17-21, 2013, oral19Sep.永井裕人, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子, 縫村崇行
ブータン・ヒマラヤにおける 氷河周辺斜面の氷河分布への寄与.
雪氷研究大会, 北見, Sep 17-21, 2013, oral20Sep.西村浩一, 小松麻美, 伊藤陽一, 丹治和博, 松岡直基
雪氷研究大会, 北見, Sep 17-21, 2013, oral19Sep.縫村崇行, 藤田耕史, Pieczonka T, Bolch T, 坂井亜規子
多時期のデジタル標高モデルから復元された1960 年代以降のブータンヒマラ ヤ・ルナナ地方の氷河の高度変化.
雪氷研究大会, 北見, Sep 17-21, 2013, oral20Sep.Fujita K, Sakai A
Sensitivity of runoff from a Himalayan debris-covered glacier.
Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-13, Davos, Switzerland, Jul 8-12, 2013, oral10Jul. [invited]Lamsal D, Watanabe T, Sawagaki T, Sakai A
Glacial surface lowering and development of formidable size lakes on debris-covered Imja and Chamlang-South glaciers in the Nepal Himalaya.
Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-13, Davos, Switzerland, Jul 8-12, 2013, oral10Jul.Nishimura K, Ito Y, Komatsu A, Tanji K, Matsuoka N
Application of a simple snow cover model to avalanche warning systems.
Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-13, Davos, Switzerland, Jul 8-12, 2013, oral9Jul.Nuimura T, Sakai A, Fujita K, Nagai H, Taniguchi K, Tsutaki S, Okamoto S, Hoshina Y
Database for altitudinal distribution of glacier in high Asian mountains.
Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-13, Davos, Switzerland, Jul 8-12, 2013, oral12Jul.Zhang Y, Hirabayashi Y, Liu Q, Fujita K, Liu SY
Past, present-day and future contributions of glacier runoff and its impact in a highly glacierized catchment, southeastern Tibetan Plateau.
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society AOGS2013, Brisbane, Australia, Jun 24-28, 2013, oral25Jun.保科優, 山口悟, 藤田耕史, 佐藤篤司, 本山秀明
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 19-24, 2013, oral24May.Lamsal D, 渡辺悌二, 澤柿教伸, 坂井亜規子
Rapid evolution of supra-glacial ponds on Hinku Glacier, eastern Nepal Himalaya: prospect for a larger lake development.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 19-24, 2013, oral24May.森啓輔, 伊藤陽一, 西村浩一
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 19-24, 2013, oral24May.永井裕人, 藤田耕史, 縫村崇行, 坂井亜規子
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 19-24, 2013, oral20May.縫村崇行, 藤田耕史, Pieczonka T, Bolch T, 坂井亜規子
米国軍事偵察衛星(Corona, Hexagon)により復元された1960年代以降のブータンヒマラヤ・ルナナ地方の長期間の氷河変動.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 19-24, 2013, oral24May.坂井亜規子, 縫村崇行, 永井裕人, 小澤亜紀, 藤田耕史, 谷口圭輔, 津滝俊, Lamsal D, 岡本祥子, 保科優
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 19-24, 2013, oral24May.竹内望, 本多愛実, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, 直木和弘, Aizen VB
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 19-24, 2013, oral23May.竹内由香里, 西村浩一, Patra A
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 19-24, 2013, oral24May.Zhang Y, 平林由希子, 藤田耕史, Liu SY, Liu Q
Spatial debris-cover effect on the maritime glaciers of Mount Gongga, south-eastern Tibetan Plateau.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 19-24, 2013, poster24May.Nagai H, Fujita K, Nuimura T, Sakai A,
Analyzing geographic setting of debris-covered glacier in the Bhutan Himalaya.
International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2013, Makuhari, Japan, May 15-17, 2013, oral15May.Nuimura T, Fujita K, Pieczonka T, Bolch T
Glacier variation since 1960s in Lunana region, Bhutan Himalaya, using declassified satellite imagery (Corona, Hexagon).
International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2013, Makuhari, Japan, May 15-17, 2013, oral16May.Nishimura K
Some recent topics on snow avalanche research in Japan.
The second Anniversary Symposium "Disaster Prevention and Mitigation", The Research Institute for Natural Hazards and Disaster Recovery (RINHDR), Niigata, Japan, Apr 20, 2013, oral20Apr. [invited]Sano M, Tshering P, Fujita K, Komori J, Nakatsuka T
Hydroclimate signals in tree-ring δ18O from different species in the Bhutan Himalaya.
The 3rd International Conference on Asian Dendrochronology Association, Tehran, Iran, Apr 11-14, 2013, oral13Apr.Nagai H, Fujita K, Nuimura T, Sakai A
An ALOS-derived glacier inventory of the Bhutan Himalaya.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, Apr 7-12, 2013, oral9Apr.Sakai A, Nuimura T, Fujita K
Applicability of a mass balance model for the debris-covered Khumbu Glacier in the Nepal Himalaya.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, Apr 7-12, 2013, poster8Apr.Nishimura K, Narita H, Ozeki T
3D-structure of snow constructed with successive section planes.
Snow Grain Size Workshop - Measurements and Applications, Grenoble, France, Apr 2-5, 2013, oral2Apr.Fujita K, Sakai A
Sensitivity of runoff from a Himalayan debris-covered glacier.
The 4th Third Pole Environment Workshop, Dehra Dun, India, Apr 1-3, 2013, oral1Apr. [invited]Sakai A, Inoue M, Fujita K, Narama C, Kubota J, Nakawo M, Yao TD
Variations in discharge from the Qilian Mountains, northwest China, and its effect on the agricultural communities of the Heihe Basin, over the last two millennia.
The 4th PAGES Open Science Meeting, Goa, India, Feb 13-16, 2013, poster15Feb.Nakazawa F, Uetake J, Suyama Y, Kaneko R, Takeuchi N, Fujita K, Motoyama H, Imura S, Kanda H
DNA analysis for section identification of a pine pollen grain from the Belukha Glacier, Altai Moutains, Russia.
Third International Symposium on Arctic Research (ISAR-3), Tokyo, Japan, Jan 14-17, 2013, poster17Jan.
2012 return to Top
Nishimura K
Outline of research project on glacial lake outburst floods in the Bhutan Himalayas.
International Conference on Glacier Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) 'Reducing Risks and Ensuring Preparedness', Paro, Bhutan, Dec 5-7, 2012, oral5Dec. [invited]Amemiya S, Takeuchi N, Sera S, Fujita K, Okamoto S, Naoki K, Aizen VB
Dissolved chemical ions in an ice core of Grigoriev Ice Cap, Kyrgyz Tien Shan.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco, USA, Dec 3-7, 2012, poster6Dec.Honda M, Takeuchi N, Sera S, Fujita K, Okamoto S, Naoki K, Aizen VB
Snow algae in an ice core drilled on Grigoriev Ice cap in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan Mountains.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco, USA, Dec 3-7, 2012, poster3Dec.Nuimura T, Fujita K, Okamoto S, Takenaka, S, Hoshina Y, Nagai H
Surface elevation changes of debris-covered area of Lirung Glacier in Langtang Valley, Nepal Himalayas from 1979 to 2010 revealed by field surveys and remotely sensed digital elevation models.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco, USA, Dec 3-7, 2012, poster4Dec.Sakai A, Nuimura T
Evidence for surface lowering at supraglacial lakes on debris-covered glaciers in the Himalayas.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco, USA, Dec 3-7, 2012, poster4Dec.Tsutaki S, Fujita K, Yamaguchi S, Sakai A, Nuimura T, Sugiyama S, Komori J, Takenaka, S, Tshering P
Interaction between glacier and glacial lake in the Bhutan, Himalaya.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco, USA, Dec 3-7, 2012, poster4Dec.Zhang Y, Hirabayashi Y, Liu Q, Fujita K
Glacier runoff and its impact in a highly glacierized catchment, southeastern Tibetan Plateau.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco, USA, Dec 3-7, 2012, poster3Dec.中澤文男, 陶山佳久, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 伊村智, 本山秀明
第3回極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Nov 26-30, 2012, oral29Nov.縫村崇行, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, 竹中修平, 保科優, 永井裕人
現地測量とリモートセンシングによる ネパールヒマラヤ・リルン氷河の氷厚変化及び流動速度分布.
日本リモートセンシング学会, 広島, Nov 19-20, 2012, oral19Nov.縫村崇行, 坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史, 永井裕人, 谷口圭輔, 津滝俊, 保科優
Landsat ETM+とSRTMにより抽出したアジア高山地域の 山岳氷河の面積高度分布データベース.
日本リモートセンシング学会, 広島, Nov 19-20, 2012, poster20Nov.永井裕人, 藤田耕史, 縫村崇行, 坂井亜規子
地理情報システム学会研究発表大会, 広島, Oct 13-14, 2012, poster13Oct.縫村崇行, 坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史, 永井裕人, 谷口圭輔, 津滝俊, 岡本祥子, 保科優, 小澤亜紀
地理情報システム学会研究発表大会, 広島, Oct 13-14, 2012, poster13Oct.山本美菜子, 田殿武雄, 山之口勤, 冨山信弘, 奈良間千之, 河本佐知, 卯田強, 浮田甚郎, 西村浩一
地理情報システム学会研究発表大会, 広島, Oct 13-14, 2012, poster13Oct.雨宮俊, 竹内望, 世良峻太郎, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, 直木和弘, Aizen VB
雪氷研究大会, 福山, Sep 23-27, 2012, oral26Sep.本多愛実, 竹内望, 世良峻太郎, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, 直木和弘, Aizen VB
雪氷研究大会, 福山, Sep 23-27, 2012, poster26Sep.保科優, 藤田耕史, 中澤文男, 飯塚芳徳, 三宅隆之, 平林幹啓, 倉元隆之, 本山秀明, 藤田秀二
雪氷研究大会, 福山, Sep 23-27, 2012, oral27Sep.保科優, 藤田耕史, 山口悟, 佐藤篤司, 本山秀明
雪氷研究大会, 福山, Sep 23-27, 2012, poster26Sep.伊藤陽一, 石丸民之永, 西村浩一
雪氷研究大会, 福山, Sep 23-27, 2012, oral24Sep.宮入匡矢, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 的場澄人, 岡本祥子, Bodinton D, Podolskiy EA, Aizen VB
雪氷研究大会, 福山, Sep 23-27, 2012, poster26Sep.村上昂星, 藤田耕史, 竹内望, 中野孝教, 申基澈, Aizen VB
雪氷研究大会, 福山, Sep 23-27, 2012, oral26Sep.中村一樹, 藤吉康志, 佐藤友徳, 平島寛行, 山口悟, 西村浩一, 山中康裕
雪氷研究大会, 福山, Sep 23-27, 2012, poster25Sep.中澤文男, 陶山佳久, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 伊村智, 本山秀明
雪氷研究大会, 福山, Sep 23-27, 2012, poster26Sep.永井裕人, 藤田耕史, 縫村崇行, 坂井亜規子
雪氷研究大会, 福山, Sep 23-27, 2012, oral24Sep.西村浩一, 成田英器, 尾関俊浩
雪氷研究大会, 福山, Sep 23-27, 2012, oral27Sep.縫村崇行, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, 竹中修平, 保科優, 永井裕人
雪氷研究大会, 福山, Sep 23-27, 2012, oral24Sep.縫村崇行, 坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史, 永井裕人, 谷口圭輔, 津滝俊, 岡本祥子, 保科優, 小澤亜紀
雪氷研究大会, 福山, Sep 23-27, 2012, poster25Sep.坂井亜規子, 井上充幸, 藤田耕史, 奈良間千之, 窪田順平, 中尾正義, 姚檀棟
雪氷研究大会, 福山, Sep 23-27, 2012, poster26Sep.坂井亜規子, 縫村崇行
雪氷研究大会, 福山, Sep 23-27, 2012, poster25Sep.竹内由香里, 西村浩一, Patra A
雪氷研究大会, 福山, Sep 23-27, 2012, oral27Sep.津滝俊, 藤田耕史, 山口悟, 坂井亜規子, 縫村崇行, 杉山慎, 小森次郎, 竹中修平, Tshering P
雪氷研究大会, 福山, Sep 23-27, 2012, oral26Sep.横山知佳, 西村浩一, 根本征樹, 伊藤陽一
雪氷研究大会, 福山, Sep 23-27, 2012, oral24Sep.Tsutaki S, Fujita K, Yamaguchi S, Sakai A, Nuimura T, Komori J, Takenaka S, Tshering P
Dynamic thinning of glaciers due to glacial lake formation in the Himalaya.
International Symposium on Glaciers and ice sheets in a warming climate, Fairbanks, USA, Jun 24-29, 2012, poster26Jun.永井裕人, 藤田耕史
日本リモートセンシング学会, 東京, May 23-24, 2012, oral24May.縫村崇行, 藤田耕史, Pieczonka T, Bolch T, 坂井亜規子
日本写真測量学会 平成24年度年次学術講演会, 東京, May 21-22, 2012, oral22May.雨宮俊, 竹内望, 世良峻太郎, 本多愛実, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, Bodinton D, Podolskiy EA, Aizen VB
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2012, poster23May.本多愛実, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, 直木和弘, Aizen VB
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2012, poster23May.保科優, 藤田耕史, 中澤文男, 飯塚芳徳, 三宅隆之, 平林幹啓, 倉元隆之, 本山秀明, 藤田秀二
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2012, oral23May.宮入匡矢, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 的場澄人, 岡本祥子, 直木和弘, Aizen VB
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2012, poster23May.村上昂星, 藤田耕史, 竹内望, 中野孝教, 申基澈, Aizen VB
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2012, oral23May.永塚尚子, 竹内望, 中野孝教, 世良峻太郎, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, 直木和弘, Aizen VB
キルギス天山山脈グリゴレア氷帽アイスコアに含まれるダストのSr, Nd同位体比を使った供給源の推定.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2012, oral23May.中澤文男, 陶山佳久, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 伊村智, 神田啓史, 本山秀明
亜節レベルでの同定を目的としたベルーハ氷河中のマツ属花粉1 粒ずつのDNA分析.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2012, oral??May.縫村崇行, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, 竹中修平, 保科優, 永井裕人
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2012, oral24May.縫村崇行, 坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史, 永井裕人, 谷口圭輔, 津滝俊, 岡本祥子, 保科優
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2012, oral22May. [invited]岡本祥子, 藤田耕史, 成田英器, Aizen VB, 世良峻太郎, 竹内望, 植竹淳, 中澤文男, 三宅隆之, Nikitin SA, 中尾正義
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2012, oral23May.岡崎淳史, 芳村圭, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, Aizen VB, 沖大幹
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2012, poster23May.坂井亜規子, 縫村崇行, 藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2012, poster24May.竹内望, 世良峻太郎, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, 直木和弘, Aizen VB
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2012, poster23May.津滝俊, 藤田耕史, 山口悟, 坂井亜規子, 縫村崇行, 小森次郎, 竹中修平, Tshering P
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2012, oral24May.横山知佳, 伊藤陽一, 西村浩一
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 20-25, 2012, poster24May.Fujita K
Spatially heterogeneous wastage of Himalayan glaciers.
International Conference on Cyrosphere of the Hindu Kush Himalayas: State of the Knowledge, Kathmandu, Nepal, May 14-16, 2012, oral14May. [invited]Nishimura K, Ito Y, Yokoyama C, Naaim F
Snow particle speeds in the blowing snow.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, Apr 22-27, 2012, oral27Apr.Nuimura T, Fujita K, Okamoto S, Takenaka S, Hoshina Y, Nagai H
Glacier surface elevation change by field surveys 1996-2008 in Langtang Himal, Nepal Himalaya.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, Apr 22-27, 2012, poster25Apr.Okazaki A, Yoshimura K, Takeuchi N, Fujita K, Aizen VB, Oki T
Simulation of vertical profiles of stable water isotopes in a snow pit using a new offline isotopic snow-icecore model.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, Apr 22-27, 2012, poster24Apr.Sakai A, Nuimura T
Evidence of surface lowering at supraglacial lakes on debris-covered glaciers in the Himalayas.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, Apr 22-27, 2012, poster25Apr.Tsutaki S, Fujita K, Yamaguchi S, Sakai A, Nuimura T, Komori J, Takenaka S, Tshering P
Dynamic interactions between glacier and glacial lake in the Bhutan Himalaya.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, Apr 22-27, 2012, poster25Apr.WGMS Swiss Office and National Correspondents (Zemp M, Ahlstrøm AP, Anderson B, Arenillas M, Bajracharya S, Baroni C, Bidlake WR, Braun LN, Cáceres B, Casassa G, Delgado H, Demuth MN, Espizua L, Fischer A, Frey H, Fujita K, Gadek B, Gärtner-Roer I, Ghazanfar A, Gombo D, Haeberli W, Hagen JO, Hoelzle M, Holmlund P, Karimi N, Naegeli K, Nussbaumer SU, Paul F, Popovnin VV, Portocarrero CA, Prinz R, Ramirez J, Ruddell A, Sangewar CV, Severskiy I, Sigurdsson O, Soruco A, Yakovlev A, Vincent C, Li Z
Unprecedented 21st century glacier changes?
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, Apr 22-27, 2012, oral25Apr.Fujita S, Holmlund P, Andersson I, Brown I, Enomoto H, Fujii Y, Fujita K, Fukui K, Furukawa T, Hansson M, Hara K, Hoshina Y, Igarashi M, Iizuka Y, Imura S, Ingvander S, Kameda T, Karlin T, Motoyama H, Nakazawa F, Oerter H, Sjöberg L, Sugiyama S, Surdyk S, Ström J, Uemura R, Wilhelms F
Spatial and temporal variability of snow accumulation on East Antarctic ice divide between Dome Fuji and EPICA EDML.
International Polar Year Conference 2012, Montreal, Canada, Apr 22-27, 2012, poster23Apr.藤田耕史
信州大学山岳科学総合研究所国際シンポジウム「アジアの山岳氷河-地球環境変動のセンサーとして-」, 松本, Mar 3, 2012, oral3Mar. [invited]Fujita K
Spatially heterogeneous wastage of Himalayan glaciers.
Glacier Mass Balance Working Group Meeting for Third Pole Environment, Guangzhou, China, Feb 20-21, 2012, oral20Feb. [invited]Fujita K
Integrated model for a Himalayan debris-covered glacier.
Glacier Mass Balance Working Group Meeting for Third Pole Environment, Guangzhou, China, Feb 20-21, 2012, oral20Feb. [invited]Nakawo M, Fujita K
Effect of debris cover on glaciers.
HighNoon Workshop on Glacier, Snow Melt and Runoff in the Himalayas, Kathmandu, Nepal, Feb 6-7, 2012, oral6Feb. [invited]Sakai A
Fluctuation of glaciers in the Ili River Basin during the past millennium.
Toward a Sustainable Society for the Future: Dialogues in Almaty, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Jan 10-12, 2012, oral10Jan.
2011 return to Top
Fujita K, Nuimura T
Spatially heterogeneous wastage of Himalayan glaciers.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, USA, Dec 5-9, 2011, oral8Dec.Nagai H, Fujita K, Nuimura T
Formation condition of debris-covered glaciers in the Bhutan Himalaya.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, USA, Dec 5-9, 2011, poster9Dec.藤田秀二, 榎本浩之, 福井幸太郎, 藤田耕史, 保科優, 飯塚芳徳, 中澤文男, 杉山慎
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Nov 14-18, 2011, oral16Nov.藤田秀二, Holmlund P, Andersson I, Brown I, 榎本浩之, 藤井理行, 藤田耕史, 福井幸太郎, 古川晶雄, Hansson M, 原圭一郎, 保科優, 五十嵐誠, 飯塚芳徳, 伊村智, Ingvander S, Karlin T, 本山秀明, 中澤文男, Oerter H, Sjöberg LE, 杉山慎, Surdyk S, Ström J, 植村立, Wilhelms F
ドームふじおよびEPICA DMLの2つの深層掘削地点を含む東南極ドロンニングモードランドでの雪の堆積の時系列変化.
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Nov 14-18, 2011, poster16Nov.保科優, 藤田耕史, 中澤文男, 飯塚芳徳, 三宅隆之, 平林幹啓, 倉元隆之, 本山秀明, 藤田秀二
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Nov 14-18, 2011, oral16Nov.三宅隆之, 藤井理行, 平林幹啓, 植村立, 倉元隆之, 東久美子, 本山秀明, 藤田耕史, 堀川信一郎, 飯塚芳徳, 五十嵐誠, 河野美香, 鈴木啓助, 鈴木利孝
南極ドームふじ氷床コアによる過去72 万年の氷期サイクルスケールのダストフラックス変動.
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Nov 14-18, 2011, poster16Nov.中澤文男, 植竹淳, 陶山佳久, 金子亮, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 本山秀明, 伊村智, 神田啓史
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Nov 14-18, 2011, poster16Nov.植村立, 本山秀明, Masson-Delmotte V, Jouzel J, 三宅隆之, 平林幹啓, 倉元隆之, 河野美香, 東久美子, 藤井理行, 藤田耕史, 堀川信一郎, 五十嵐誠, 飯塚芳徳, 鈴木啓助, 鈴木利孝
極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, Nov 14-18, 2011, oral16Nov.中澤文男, 植竹淳, 陶山佳久, 金子亮, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 本山秀明, 神田啓史
日本花粉学会大52回大会, 名古屋, Oct 7-9, 2011, poster8Oct.Wangda U, Komori J, Tshering P, Higaki D, Sato G, Fujita K, Nishimura K
Glacial lake outburst flood and its countermearures in Bhutan.
5th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM5), Tsukuba, Japan, Oct 27-29, 2011, oral27Sep. [invited]本多愛実, 竹内望, 世良峻太郎, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, 直木和弘, Aizen VB
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 20-23, 2011, poster20Sep.雨宮俊, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 的場澄人, 岡本祥子, Podolskiy EA, Bodington D, Aizen VB
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 20-23, 2011, poster20Sep.保科優, 藤田耕史, 中澤文男, 飯塚芳徳, 三宅隆之, 平林幹啓, 倉元隆之, 本山秀明, 藤田秀二
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 20-23, 2011, poster20Sep.伊藤陽一, 伊東靖彦, 松下拓樹, 平島寛行, 野呂智之
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 20-23, 2011, oral21Sep.伊藤陽一, 西村浩一, Thibert E, Naaim-bouvet F
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 20-23, 2011, poster20Sep.小松麻美, 西村浩一, 丹治和博, 松岡直基, 石本敬志
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 20-23, 2011, poster20Sep.永井裕人, 藤田耕史, 縫村崇行
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 20-23, 2011, poster20Sep.中村一樹, 佐藤友徳, 藤吉康志, 西村浩一
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 20-23, 2011, oral21Sep.中村一樹, 佐藤友徳, 山中康裕, 西村浩一
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 20-23, 2011, oral21Sep.中澤文男, 植竹淳, 陶山佳久, 金子亮, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 本山秀明, 神田啓史
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 20-23, 2011, oral21Sep.根本征樹, 佐藤威, 望月重人, 加藤務, 鳥田宏行, 西村浩一
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 20-23, 2011, oral22Sep.西村浩一, 阿部修
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 20-23, 2011, poster21Sep.西村浩一, 横山知佳, 伊藤陽一, 加藤務
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 20-23, 2011, oral22Sep.岡本祥子, 藤田耕史, 成田英器, 植竹淳, 竹内望, 三宅隆之, 中澤文男, Aizen VB, Nikitin SA, 中尾正義
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 20-23, 2011, poster20Sep.坂井亜規子, 縫村崇行, 永井裕人, 藤田耕史
"GAMDAM Project"高精度氷河台帳作成プロジェクト紹介.
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 20-23, 2011, oral20Sep.山口悟, 坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史
雪氷研究大会, 長岡, Sep 20-23, 2011, poster20Sep.Tadono T, Shimada M, Yamanokuchi T, Ukita J, Narama C, Tomiyama N, Kawamoto S, Fujita K, Nishimura K
Developement of glacial lake inventory in Bhutan using "Daichi" (ALOS).
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, July 24-29, 2011, poster27Jul.Fujita K, Nuimura T
Inhomogeneous wastage distribution of Himalayan glaciers.
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly 2011, Melbourne, Australia, June 28 - July 7, 2011, oral29Jun.Hirasawa N, Fujita K
The characterization of precipitation and clouds at Dome Fuji station, the Antarctic interior, based on the ceilometer observation.
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly 2011, Melbourne, Australia, June 28 - July 7, 2011, oral29Jun.Hoshina Y, Fujita K, Nakazawa F, Iizuka Y, Miyake T, Hirabayashi M, Kuramoto, Motoyama H, Fujita S
Snow accumulation rate and water stable isotope changes of near surface-snow at the inland Antarctica.
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly 2011, Melbourne, Australia, June 28 - July 7, 2011, oral29Jun.Sakai A, Tadono T, Fujita K, Nuimura T
Formation conditions of supraglacial lakes on debris-covered glaciers in the Himalayas.
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly 2011, Melbourne, Australia, June 28 - July 7, 2011, oral29Jun.Zhang Y, Fujita K, Liu S, Liu Q, Wang X
Multi-decadal ice velocity and elevation changes on a monsoonal maritime glacier: Hailuogou Glacier, China.
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly 2011, Melbourne, Australia, June 28 - July 7, 2011, poster29Jun.永井裕人, 藤田耕史, 縫村崇行
日本リモートセンシング学会, 東京, May 26-27, 2011, poster27May.縫村崇行, 坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史
日本リモートセンシング学会, 東京, May 26-27, 2011, oral27May.縫村崇行, 藤田耕史, 山口悟, Sharma RR
日本写真測量学会 年次学術講演会, 東京, May 23-24, 2011, oral24May.雨宮俊, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 的場澄人, 岡本祥子, Podolskiy EA
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral26May.藤田耕史, 縫村崇行
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral24May.藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子, Surazakov AB, 山之口勤, 竹中修平
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral22May.藤田秀二, 榎本浩之, 福井幸太郎, 藤田耕史, 保科優, 飯塚芳徳, 中澤文男, 杉山慎
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral26May.本多愛実, 竹内望, 世良峻太郎, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, 直木和弘, Aizen VB
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral26May.保科優, 藤田耕史, 中澤文男, 飯塚芳徳, 三宅隆之, 平林幹啓, 倉元隆之, 本山秀明, 藤田秀二
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral26May.永井裕人, 縫村崇行, 藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral22May.中澤文男, 植竹淳, 陶山佳久, 金子亮, 竹内望, 世良峻太郎, 藤田耕史, 本山秀明, 神田啓史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral24May.奈良間千之, 田殿武雄, 浮田甚郎, 山之口勤, 河本佐知, 冨山信弘, 矢吹裕伯, 藤田耕史, 西村浩一
ALOS データによるブータン・ヒマラヤの氷河湖インベントリー公開に向けて.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral22May.根本征樹, 西村浩一, 佐藤威
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral25May.西村浩一
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral22May.西村浩一, 石丸民之栄
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral24May.縫村崇行, 藤田耕史, 福井幸太郎, 岡本祥子, 竹中修平, 保科優, 山口悟, 杉山慎, 永井裕人, 刀根賢太, 西山大陸, 長井宏介, 伊藤弘樹
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral24May.縫村崇行, 坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral22May.大西健夫, 坂井亜規子, 窪田順平
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral25May.坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史, 田殿武雄, 縫村崇行
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral22May.坂井亜規子, 奈良間千之, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 窪田順平
イリ河流域における過去 1000 年間の氷河・氷河流出量変動.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral25May.竹内望, 藤田耕史, 世良峻太郎, 横山祐典, 岡本祥子, 直木和弘, Aizen VB
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral26May.竹内望, 藤田耕史, 世良峻太郎, 岡本祥子, 直木和弘, Aizen VB
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral25May.山口悟, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral22May.張勇, 藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 22-27, 2011, oral24May.Fujita K, Nuimura T
Inhomogeneous wastage distribution of Himalayan glaciers.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, Apr 3-8, 2011, oral5Apr.Fujita K, Sakai A, Surazakov AB, Yamanokuchi T, Takenaka S
Re-evaluation of potential risk of glacial lake outburst flood in the Himalayas.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, Apr 3-8, 2011, poster5Apr.Nagai H, Fujita K, Nuimura T
Formation condition of debris-covered glaciers in the Bhutan Himalaya derived by satellite data.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, Apr 3-8, 2011, poster5Apr.
2010 return to Top
Aizen EM, Aizen VB, Takeuchi N, Mayewski PA, Grigholm BO, Fujita K, Joswiak D
Central Asia climate change: Altai, Tien Shan and Pamir ice cores contemporary and paleo-reconstruction.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec 13-17, 2010, oral. [invited]Aizen VB, Aizen EM, Surazakov A, Takeuchi N, Fujita K, Mayewski PA, Grigholm BO
Central Asia cryosphere dynamics: retrospective analysis, contemporary status, and prediction.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec 13-17, 2010, poster.Grigholm B, Mayewski PA, Aizen VB, Kang SC, Aizen EM, Kreutz K, Kaspari S, Fujita K, Takeuchi N, Wake CP, Kurbatov AV
Asian ice core array (AICA): Late Holocene atmospheric dust reconstruction over Asia.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec 13-17, 2010, poster.藤田秀二, Holmlund P, Andersson I, Brown I, 榎本浩之, 藤井理行, 藤田耕史, 福井幸太郎, 古川晶雄, Hansson M, 原圭一郎, 飯塚芳徳, 伊村智, Ingvander S, Karlin T, 本山秀明, 中澤文男, Sjoberg L, 杉山慎, Surdyk S, Strom J
極域科学シンポジウム, 東京, Dec 1, 2010, oral.本多愛美, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, 直木和弘, Aizen VB
極域生物シンポジウム, 東京, Nov 30, 2010, poster.中澤文男, 植竹淳, 陶山佳久, 金子亮, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 本山秀明, 神田啓史
極域生物シンポジウム, 東京, Nov 30, 2010, poster.保科優, 藤田耕史, 中澤文男, 飯塚芳徳, 三宅隆之, 平林幹啓, 倉元隆之, 本山秀明
極域気水圏シンポジウム, 東京, Nov 30, 2010, oral.中澤文男, 植竹淳, 陶山佳久, 金子亮, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 本山秀明, 神田啓史
花粉学会, 東京, Oct 9-10, 2010, oral.藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子, Surazakov AB, 山之口勤, 竹中修平
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 仙台, Sep 26-29, 2010, oral.保科優, 藤田耕史, 中澤文男, 飯塚芳徳, 三宅隆之, 平林幹啓, 倉元隆之, 本山秀明
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 仙台, Sep 26-29, 2010, poster.三宅隆之, 藤井理行, 平林幹啓, 植村立, 倉元隆之, 東久美子, 本山秀明, 藤田耕史, 堀川信一郎, 飯塚芳徳, 五十嵐誠, 河野美香, 鈴木啓助, 鈴木利孝
南極ドームふじ氷床コアによる過去72 万年の氷期-間氷期スケールにおけるダストフラックス変動.
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 仙台, Sep 26-29, 2010, poster.永井裕人, 藤田耕史, 縫村崇行
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 仙台, Sep 26-29, 2010, oral.中澤文男, 植竹淳, 陶山佳久, 金子亮, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 本山秀明, 神田啓史
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 仙台, Sep 26-29, 2010, poster.岡本祥子, 藤田耕史, 成田英器, 植竹淳, 竹内望, 三宅隆之, 中澤文男, Aizen VB, Nikitin SA, 中尾正義
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 仙台, Sep 26-29, 2010, poster.坂井亜規子, 田殿武雄, 縫村崇行, 藤田耕史
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 仙台, Sep 26-29, 2010, oral.坂井亜規子, 奈良間千之, 藤田耕史, 窪田順平
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 仙台, Sep 26-29, 2010, poster.世良峻太郎, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, 直木和弘, Aizen VB
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 仙台, Sep 26-29, 2010, poster.竹内望, 藤田耕史, 的場澄人, 岡本祥子, Podolskiy EA, Bodington D, Aizen VB
パミール・フェドチェンコ氷河, 2009年アイスコア掘削調査.
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 仙台, Sep 26-29, 2010, oral.竹内由香里, 西村浩一, 平島寛行
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 仙台, Sep 26-29, 2010, poster.刀根賢太, 杉山慎, 福井幸太郎, 藤田耕史
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 仙台, Sep 26-29, 2010, oral.Fujita K
Recent changes in Himalayan glaciers and glacial lakes.
Workshop on Integrated Studies of Environmental Changes and Climate Adaptation Responses in the Tibet-Himalayan Region, Kathmandu, Nepal, Sep 13-15, 2010, oral. [invited]Fujita K
Glacier Monitoring Activities in Japan, Nepal and Bhutan.
WGMS General Assembly of the National Correspondents, Zermatt, Switzerland, Sep 1-4, 2010, oral. [invited]Fujita K
Changes in cryosphere in the Asian highland.
PAGES 1st Asia 2k Workshop in Japna, Nagoya, Aug 26-27, 2010, oral. [invited]Tadono T, Kawamoto S, Yamanokuchi T, Fujita K, Nishimura K
Glaciers and Glacial Lakes Monitoring in the Bhutan Himalaya by PRISM and AVNIR-2 onboard ALOS.
International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Technical Commision VIII Symposium, Kyoto, Aug 9-12, 2010.Motoyama H, Goto-Azuma K, Hirabayashi M, Miyake T, Uemura R, Kuramoto T, Igarashi M, Iizuka Y, Suzuki K, Suzuki T, Fujita K, Horikawa S, Kohno M, Fujii Y, Kawamura K
Characteristics of correlation between climate and environmental elements from past 300,000 to 720,000 years in Dome Fuji ice core, Antarctica.
SCAR Open Science Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Aug 3-6, 2010.Chernous P, Barashev N, Fedorenko Y, Podolskiy EA, Abe O, Nishimura K
Short-term loadings as avalanche triggers.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, oral.Fujita K, Sakai A, Surazakov AB
Re-evaluation of potential risk of glacial lake outburst flood in the Himalayas.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, oral.Fujita K, Takeuchi N, Nikitin SA, Surazakov AB, Okamoto S, Aizen VB, Kubota J
Mass balance of Gregoriev Glacier, Kyrgyz Tienshan Mts. derived from GPS surveys and energy-balance model.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, oral.Fujita S, Holmlund P, Andersson I, Brown I, Enomoto H, Fujii Y, Fujita K, Fukui K, Furukawa T, Hansson M, Hara K, Iizuka Y, Imura S, Ingvander S, Karlin T, Motoyama H, Nakazawa F, Sjoberg L, Sugiyama S, Surdyk S, Strom J
Spatial distribution of the glaciological environment between the two deep ice-core drilling sites at EPICA-DML and Dome Fuji, East Antarctica.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, oral.Goto-Azuma K, Hirabayashi M, Miyake T, Kuramoto T, Motoyama H, Igarashi M, Uemura R, Fujii Y, Iizuka Y, Kohno M, Suzuki K, Suzuki T, Fujita K, Horikawa S
Orbital and millennial-scale variations of sea-salt, mineral dust and non-sea-salt sulfate aerosols at Dome Fuji, East Antarctica during the past 720,000 years.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, oral.Hoshina Y, Fujita K, Nakazawa F, Iizuka Y, Miyake T, Hirabayashi M, Kuramoto T, Motoyama H
Postdepositional changes of water stable isotope in snowpack at Dome Fuji, Antarctica.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, oral.Ito Y, Nishimura K, Kawada K, Izumi K, Iida H
Periodic structure in snow avalanches.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, poster.Kodama Y, Nishimura K, Aoki T, Yamazaki T, Niwano M, Suzuki K, Hosaka M
Intercomparison of snow-cover models for the snowpack in Sapporo, Japan.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, oral.Komatsu A, Nishimura K, Tanji K, Matsuoka N
Application of a simple snow-cover model to avalanche warning systems.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, oral.Miyake T, Fujii Y, Hirabayashi M, Uemura R, Kuramoto T, Goto-Azuma K, Motoyama H, Fujita K, Horikawa S, Iizuka Y, Igarashi M, Kohno M, Suzuki K, Suzuki T
Dust flux record from the Dome Fuji ice core, East Antarctica over the past 720-kyrs.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, poster.Nagai H, Fujita K, Nuimura T
Formation condition of debris-covered glaciers in the Bhutan Himalaya derived by satellite data.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, oral.Nakazawa F, Uetake J, Suyama Y, Kaneko R, Takeuchi N, Fujita K, Kanda H
DNA analysis of a single Pinus pollen grain in a glacier for identification of the species.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, poster.Narama C, Tadono T, Yamanokuchi T, Kawamoto S, Abe C, Ukita J, Yabuki H, Fujita K
Glacier lake inventory and recent changes of glacier lakes in the Bhutan Himalaya.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, poster.Nishimura K, Ishimaru T
Developement of an automatic blowing-snow station.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, oral.Okamoto S, Fujita K, Narita H, Uetake J, Takeuchi N, Miyake T, Nakazawa, F, Aizen VB, Nikitin SA, Nakawo M
Stratigraphy analysis focused on air bubbles in the Belukha ice core, Siberian Altai.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, oral.Saito T, Nishimura K, Kamiyama K, Nogi Y, Motoyama H
Latest changes of ice sheet along the Soya coast, Lutzow-Holm Bukta, East Antarctica, using multitemproal photography.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, poster.Sakai A, Narama C, Fujita K, Kubota J
Recent fluctuation of discharge from glaciers and seasonal snow cover in Kyrgyz Tien Shan.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, poster.Sakai A, Tadono T, Fujita K
Formation conditions of supraglacial lakes on deris-covered glaciers in the Himalayas.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, oral.Suzuki T, Nishimura K
Studies on the development process of drifting snow.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, poster.Tadono T, Kawamoto S, Yamanokuchi T, Fujita K, Nishimura K
Glaciers and glacial lakes monitoring in the Bhutan Himalaya by PRISM and AVNIR-2 onboard ALOS.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, oral.Takeuchi Y, Torita H, Nishimura K, Hirashima H
Study of the large-scale dry-slab avalanche and extent of damage to cedar forest at Makunosawa Valley, Myoko, Japan.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, oral.Tsuchimoto A, Iizuka Y, Hoshina Y, Fujita K, Nakazawa F, Fujita S
Quantitative estimation of sea salt sulfatization in atmosphere and surface snow of inland Antarctica.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, poster.Yamaguchi S, Fujita K, Sakai A, Nuimura T, Sawagaki T
Interdependence of glacier lake formation on glacier dynamics.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, poster.Yamane N, Shibayama T, Fujita K
Monitoring of the glaciers in the Khumbu region, Himalaya, by high-resolution SAR satellite TerraSAR-X.
International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, Sapporo, Jun 21-25, 2010, poster.Fujita S, Holmlund P, Andersson I, Brown I, Enomoto H, Fujii Y, Fujita K, Fukui K, Furukawa T, Hansson M, Hara K, Iizuka Y, Imura S, Ingvander S, Karlin T, Motoyama H, Nakazawa F, Sjoberg L, Sugiyama S, Surdyk S, Strom J
Spatial distribution of the glaciological environment between the two deep ice-core drilling sites at EPICA-DML and Dome Fuji, East Antarctica.
International Polar Year, Oslo Sicence Conference, Oslo, Norway, Jun 8-12, 2010, oral.Fujita K
Recent changes in Himalayan glaciers and ice core studies in the Asian highland.
2010 PAGES (PAst Global changES) Regional Workshop in Japan, Nagoya, Japan, Jun 5-6, 2010, oral. [invited]Okamoto S, Fujita K, Narita H, Uetake J, Takeuchi N, Miyake T, Nakazawa F, Aizen V, Nikitin S, Nakawo M
Re-evaluation of the reconstruction of summer temperatures from melt features in Belukha ice cores, Siberian Altai.
2010 PAGES (PAst Global changES) Regional Workshop in Japan, Nagoya, Japan, Jun 5-6, 2010, poster.Sakai A, Fujita K, Narama C, Kubota J, Nakawo M, Yao TD
Fluctuations of discharge from Qilian Mountains in northwest China during the last two millennia.
2010 PAGES (PAst Global changES) Regional Workshop in Japan, Nagoya, Japan, Jun 5-6, 2010, poster.藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子, Surazakov AB
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, oral.藤田耕史, 竹内望, Nikitin SA, Surazakov AB, 岡本祥子, Aizen VB, 窪田順平
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, oral.保科優, 藤田耕史, 中澤文男, 飯塚芳徳, 三宅隆之, 平林幹啓, 倉元隆之, 本山秀明
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, oral.永井裕人, 藤田耕史, 縫村崇行
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, oral.永塚尚子, 竹内望, 中野孝教, 植竹淳, 世良峻太郎, 中澤文男, 三宅隆之, 岡本祥子, 藤田耕史, Aizen VB
アルタイ山脈ベルーハ氷河アイスコアに含まれるダストのSr, Nd同位体比を使った供給源の推定.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, oral.中澤文男, 三宅隆之, 藤田耕史, 竹内望, 植竹淳, 藤木俊之, Aizen VB, 中尾正義
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, oral.中澤文男, 植竹淳, 陶山佳久, 金子亮, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 神田啓史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, poster.直木和弘, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, Aizen VB
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, oral.奈良間千之, 田殿武雄, 山之口勤, 河本佐知, 阿部知佳, 浮田甚郎, 藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, oral.Nishimura K
Study on Glacial Lake Outburst Floods.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, oral.西村浩一, 石丸民之永, 本山秀明
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, poster.岡本祥子, 藤田耕史, 成田英器, 植竹淳, 竹内望, 三宅隆之, 中澤文男, 中尾正義
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, oral.Podolskiy EA, Nishimura K, Abe O, Chernous P
Mechanics and failure of snow under accelerational loading.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, poster.Podolskiy EA, Nishimura K, Abe O, Chernous P
Earthquake-induced snow avalanches: inventory of known world-wide cases for 1899-2010.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, poster.坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, oral.佐竹智樹, 藤田耕史, 飯田肇, 福井幸太郎, 中澤仁一, 川田邦夫
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, poster.世良峻太郎, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, 直木和弘
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, poster.田殿武雄, 高久淳一, 河本佐知, 山之口勤, 藤田耕史, 西村浩一
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, oral.山口悟, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子, 縫村崇行, 澤柿教伸
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, oral.山本知聖, 藤田耕史, 竹内望, 三宅隆之, 中澤文男, 五十嵐誠, 佐藤和秀, 中尾正義
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, poster.Zhang Y, Fujita K, Liu SY, Liu Q, Wang X
Multi-decadal ice velocity and elevation changes of a mon-soonal maritime glacier, Hailuogou Glacier, China.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 23-28, 2010, oral.Fujita K
Recent changes in Himalayan glaciers.
Invited presentation at Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Kathmandu, Nepal, May18 2010. [invited]藤田耕史
統合された地球温暖化観測を目指して-雪氷圏における観測の最前線-(地球観測連携拠点(温暖化分野)平成21年度ワークショップ), 東京, Jan 29, 2010, oral. [invited]
2009 return to Top
Fujita K
Glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF) in the Himalayas.
The 5th International Coordination Group (ICG) Meeting GEOSS Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI), Tokyo, Dec 15-17, 2009, oral. [invited]Kargel JS, Armstrong R, Arnaud Y, Berthier E, Bishop P, Bolch T, Bush A, Cogley GJ, Fujita K, Gillespie A, Haritashya U, Kaser G, Khalsa SJS, Leonard G, Racoviteanu A, Raup B, Van der Veen C
Satellite-era glacier changes in High Asia.
NASA 'Black Carbon and Aerosols' press conference, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec 14-18, 2009, oral.Nakazawa F, Uetake J, Suyama Y, Kaneko R, Takeuchi N, Fujita K, Kanda H
DNA analysis of a single Pinus pollen grain in a glacier.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec 14-18, 2009, poster.Yasunari TJ, Bonasoni P, Laj P, Fujita K, Vuillermoz E, Marinoni A, Cristofanelli P, Calzolari F, Dcuhi R, Tartari G, Lau WKM
Estimation of black carbon deposition from particulate data in the atmosphere at NCO-P site in Himalayas during pre-monsoon season and its implication to snow surface albedo reduction.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec 14-18, 2009, oral.永井裕人, 藤田耕史, 縫村崇行
日本リモートセンシング学会, 名古屋, Nov 26 - 27, 2009, oral.縫村崇行, 藤田耕史, 山口悟, Sharma RR
ASTER L3A01(VNIR, TIR, DEM)を用いたヒマラヤの氷河表面状態の時系列変化.
日本リモートセンシング学会, 名古屋, Nov 26 - 27, 2009, oral. [invited]亀田貴雄, 藤田耕史, 杉田興正,平沢尚彦,高橋修平
日本気象学会, 福岡, Nov 25-27, 2009, poster.Goto-Azuma K, Hirabayashi M, Miyake T, Kuramoto T, Motoyama H, Igarashi M, Uemura R, Fujii Y, Iizuka Y, Kohno M, Suzuki K, Suzuki T, Fujita K, Horikawa S
Variability of sea-salt, mineral dust and non-sea-salt sulfate aerosols at Dome Fuji, East Antarctica during the past seven glacial cycles.
The 2nd International Symposium on Dome Fuji Ice Core and Related Topics, Tachikawa, Tokyo, Nov 18-20, 2009.Kameda T, Fujita K, Sugita O, Hirasawa N, Takahashi S
Total solar eclipse over Antarctica on 23 November 2003 and its effects on the atmosphere and snow near the ice sheet surface at Dome Fuji.
The 2nd International Symposium on Dome Fuji Ice Core and Related Topics, Tachikawa, Tokyo, Nov 18-20, 2009, poster.Miyake T, Fujii Y, Hirabayashi M, Uemura R, Kuramoto T, Goto-Azuma K, Motoyama H, Fujita K, Horikawa S, Iizuka Y, Igarashi M, Kohno M, Suzuki K, Suzuki T
Dust record from the Dome Fuji ice core, Antarctica over the past 720-kyrs.
The 2nd International Symposium on Dome Fuji Ice Core and Related Topics, Tachikawa, Tokyo, Nov 18-20, 2009, oral.Uemura R, Motoyama H, Masson-Delmotte V, Jouzel J, Miyake T, Hirabayashi M, Kuramoto T, Kohno M, Goto-Azuma K, Fujii Y, Fujita K, Horikawa S, Igarashi M, Iizuka Y, Suzuki K, Suzuki T
Deuterium-excess record from the Dome Fuji ice core over the past 720,000 years.
The 2nd International Symposium on Dome Fuji Ice Core and Related Topics, Tachikawa, Tokyo, Nov 18-20, 2009, oral.Hoshina Y, Fujita K, Nakazawa F, Iizuka Y, Miyake, T, Hirabayashi M, Kuramoto T, Motoyama H
Postdepositional changes of chemical components in the snow at Dome Fuji, Antarctica.
The 2nd International Symposium on Dome Fuji Ice Core and Related Topics, Tachikawa, Tokyo, Nov 18-20, 2009, poster.保科優, 藤田耕史, 中澤文男, 飯塚芳徳, 三宅隆之, 平林幹啓, 倉元隆之, 本山秀明
極域気水圏シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 立川, Nov 17-18, 2009, oral.永井裕人, 藤田耕史, 縫村崇行
極域気水圏シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 立川, Nov 17-18, 2009, poster.中澤文男, 植竹淳, 陶山佳久, 金子亮, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 神田啓史
極域気水圏シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 立川, Nov 17-18, 2009, poster.岡本祥子, 藤田耕史, 成田英器, 植竹淳, 竹内望, 三宅隆之, 中澤文男, Aizen VB, Nikitin SA, 中尾正義
極域気水圏シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 立川, Nov 17-18, 2009, poster.山本知聖, 藤田耕史, 竹内望, 三宅隆之, 中澤文男, 五十嵐誠, 佐藤和秀, 中尾正義
極域気水圏シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 立川, Nov 17-18, 2009, oral.藤田耕史
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 札幌, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2009, oral.保科優, 藤田耕史, 飯塚芳徳, 三宅隆之, 平林幹啓, 倉元隆之, 本山秀明
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 札幌, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2009, oral.石丸民之永, 西村浩一, 小林俊一, 根本征樹, 小杉健二, 佐藤威, 羽賀秀樹
南極氷床での広域観測を目的とした吹雪自動計測システムの開発 I.
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 札幌, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2009, poster.中澤文男, 植竹淳, 陶山佳久, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 神田啓史
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 札幌, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2009, poster.西村浩一, 竹内由香里
妙高・幕の沢で発生した表層雪崩の運動解析‐Titan2D を用いた数値計算と地震動のウェーブレット解析‐.
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 札幌, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2009, oral.縫村崇行, 藤田耕史, 山口悟, Sharma RR
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 札幌, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2009, oral.Podolskiy EA, 阿部修, 西村浩一, Chernous PA, 新堀邦夫
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 札幌, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2009, oral.Podolskiy EA, 西村浩一, 和泉薫, Yavas OM
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 札幌, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2009, poster.岡本祥子, 藤田耕史, 成田英器, 植竹淳, 竹内望, 三宅隆之, 中澤文男, Aizen VB, Nikitin SA, 中尾正義
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 札幌, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2009, poster.坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 札幌, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2009, poster.坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史, 奈良間千之, 窪田順平, 中尾正義, 姚檀棟
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 札幌, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2009, poster.佐竹智樹, 藤田耕史, 飯田肇, 福井幸太郎, 川田邦夫
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 札幌, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2009, oral.世良峻太郎, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, 直木和弘, Aizen VB
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 札幌, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2009, oral.鈴木貴, 根本征樹, 小杉健二, 佐藤威, 望月重人, 西村浩一
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 札幌, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2009, oral.竹内由香里, 鳥田宏行, 西村浩一, 坂本知己, 萩野裕章, 後藤義明, 村上茂樹, 遠藤八十一
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 札幌, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2009, oral.山本知聖, 藤田耕史, 竹内望, 三宅隆之, 中澤文男, 五十嵐誠, 佐藤和秀, 中尾正義
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 札幌, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2009, oral.Fujita K, Nuimura T, Okamoto S, Hoshina Y, Nagai H, Takenaka S
Recent changes in benchmark glaciers in Nepal Himalaya.
International Workshop on the Northern Eurasia Mountain Ecosystems, NEESPI/NASA and CEOP HE, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Sep 8-15, 2009, oral. [invited]Okamoto S, Fujita K, Narita H, Uetake J, Takeuchi N, Miyake T, Nakazawa F, Aizen V, Nikitin S, Nakawo M
Re-evaluation of past summer temperature reconstruction by melt features in Belukha ice cores, Russian Altai.
International Workshop on the Northern Eurasia Mountain Ecosystems, NEESPI/NASA and CEOP HE, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Sep 8-15, 2009, poster.Goto-Azuma K, Hirabayashi M, Miyake T, Uemura R, Kuramoto T, Motoyama H, Igarashi M, Iizuka Y, Suzuki K, Suzuki T, Fujita K, Horikawa S, Kohno M, Fujii Y, Kawamura K, Aoki S, Nakazawa T
Environmental changes during the past seven glacial cycles reconstructed from Dome Fuji, East Antarctica.
IAMAS/IAPSO/IACS 2009 Joint Assembly (MOCA-09), Motreal, Canada, Jul 19-24, 2009, oral.平沢尚彦, 藤田耕史, 樫原和則, 北和之, 劉発華, 本山秀明, 林政彦
日本気象学会春季大会, つくば, May 28-31, 2009, n/a.藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 16-21, 2009, oral.亀田貴雄, 藤田耕史, 杉田興正,平沢尚彦,高橋修平
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 16-21, 2009, oral.三宅隆之, 藤井理行, 平林幹啓, 植村立, 倉元隆之, 東久美子, 本山秀明, 飯塚芳徳, 五十嵐誠, 河野美香, 鈴木啓助, 鈴木利孝, 藤田耕史, 堀川信一郎
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 16-21, 2009, oral.中澤文男, 植竹淳, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 神田啓史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 16-21, 2009, oral.縫村崇行, 藤田耕史, 山口悟, Sharma R
多時期のDEM を用いたネパールヒマラヤ・クンブヒマール地方の氷河表面の高度変化の分布について.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 16-21, 2009, poster.岡本祥子, 藤田耕史, 植竹淳, 竹内望, 三宅隆之, 中澤文男, 中尾正義
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 16-21, 2009, poster.Podolskiy EA, Nishimura K, Abe O, Chernous P
Snowpack-stability related vibration experiments.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 16-21, 2009, oral.坂井亜規子, 西村浩一, 竹内望
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 16-21, 2009, oral.佐竹智樹, 藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 16-21, 2009, poster.瀬川高弘, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, 直木和弘, 神田啓史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 16-21, 2009, oral.世良峻太郎, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, 直木和弘
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 16-21, 2009, poster.竹内望, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, 直木和弘, 奈良間千之
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 16-21, 2009, oral.山本知聖, 藤田耕史, 竹内望, 三宅隆之, 中澤文男, 五十嵐誠, 佐藤和秀, 中尾正義
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 16-21, poster.Okamoto S, Fujita K, Narita H, Uetake J, Takeuchi N, Miyake T, Nakazawa F, Aizen V, Nikitin S, Nakawo M
Re-evaluation of past summer temperature reconstruction by melt features in Belukha ice cores, Russian Altai.
European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2009 Vienna, Austria, Apr 19-24, 2009, poster.Zhang Y, Liu S, Fujita K, Han H, Li J
Analysis of meteorological data and the surface energy balance of Keqicar Glacier, Tien Shan, China.
European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2009 Vienna, Austria, Apr 19-24, 2009, poster.Podolskiy EA, Abe O, Chernous P, Nishimura K, Barashev NV
Experimental study of vibration and shear loading rate influences on snow shear strength and their role in seismicity-induced avalanche release.
International Glaciological Society Symposium on Snow and Avalanches, Manali, India, Apr 6-10, 2009, n/a.
2008 return to Top
Miyake T, Fujii Y, Hirabayashi M, Uemura R, Kuramoto T, Goto-Azuma K, Motoyama H, Iizuka Y, Igarashi M, Kohno M, Suzuki K, Suzuki T, Fujita K, Horikawa S
A 720-kyear record of dust variability from the Dome Fuji ice core, Antarctica.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec 2008.東久美子, 平林幹啓, 三宅隆之, 植村立, 倉元隆之, 本山秀明, 五十嵐誠, 飯塚芳徳, 鈴木啓助, 鈴木利孝, 藤田耕史, 堀川信一郎, 河野美香, 藤井理行, 川村賢二, 青木周司, 中澤高清
極域気水圏シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 板橋区, Dec 2008.Chernous P, Podolskiy E, Abe O, Barashev N, Nishimura K, Fedorenko Y
Snow strength at different loading rates and avalanche release.
極域気水圏シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 板橋区, Dec 2008.岡本祥子, 藤田耕史, 成田英器, 植竹淳, 竹内望, 三宅隆之, 中澤文男, Aizen VB, Nikitin SA, 中尾正義
極域気水圏シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 板橋区, Dec 2008.三宅隆之, 藤井理行, 平林幹啓, 植村立, 倉元隆之, 東久美子, 本山秀明, 飯塚芳徳, 五十嵐誠, 河野美香, 鈴木啓助, 鈴木利孝, 藤田耕史, 堀川信一郎
極域気水圏シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 板橋区, Dec 2008.Zhang Y, Fujita K, Liu SY, Liu Q
Surface velocities and elevation change of the maritime Hailuogou Glacier, China.
極域気水圏シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 板橋区, Dec 2008.Fujita K
Effect of precipitation seasonality on climatic sensitivity of glacier mass balance.
Invited presentation at Institute of Tibetan Plateau, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Nov 28, 2008.Nuimura T, Fujita K, Yamaguchi S, Sharma R
Volume change estimation of glaciers in Khumbu Himal region using with multitemporal digital elevation model.
Invited presentation at Institute of Tibetan Plateau, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Nov 28, 2008.Goto-Azuma K, Hirabayashi M, Miyake T, Uemura R, Kuramoto T, Motoyama H, Igarashi M, Iizuka Y, Suzuki K, Suzuki T, Fujita K, Horikawa S, Kohno M, Fujii Y
Orbital and millennial-scale variability of sea-salt, dust and non-sea-salt sulfate aerosols during the past 720,000 years reconstructed at Dome Fuji, East Antarctica.
Quaternary Climate: from Pole to Pole, EPICA Open Science Conference, Venice, Italy, Nov 2008.Schlosser E, Birnbaum G, Fujita K, Powers JG, Manning KH, Duda MG
Predominance of clear-sky precipitation at Antarctic interior ice coring sites - myth or truth?
Quaternary Climate: from Pole to Pole, EPICA Open Science Conference, Venice, Italy, Nov 2008.Uemura R, Motoyama H, Miyake T, Hirabayashi M, Kuramoto T, Goto-Azuma K, Masson-Delmotte V, Jouzel J, Fujii Y, Fujita K, Horikawa S, Igarashi M, Iizuka Y, Kohno M, Suzuki K, Suzuki T
A 720,000 years record of deuterium-excess variation from the Dome Fuji ice core, Antarctica.
Quaternary Climate: from Pole to Pole, EPICA Open Science Conference, Venice, Italy, Nov 2008.藤田耕史
チョゴリザ初登庁五十周年記念シンポジウム「パイオニアワークとしての登山・探検・フィールドサイエンス」, 京都, Nov 3, 2008.Fujita K
Effect of precipitation seasonality on climatic sensitivity of glacier mass balance.
Invited presentation at Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Kathmandu, Nepal, Oct 2008.Nuimura T, Fujita K, Yamaguchi S, Sharma R
Volume change estimation of glaciers in Khumbu Himal region using with multitemporal digital elevation model.
Invited presentation at Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Kathmandu, Nepal, Oct 2008.亀田貴雄, 藤田耕史, 杉田興正,本山秀明,平沢尚彦,高橋修平
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 東京, Sep 2008.西村浩一, 佐藤香枝, 小倉勉, 小松麻美
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 東京, Sep 24-27, 2008.Podolskiy E, 阿部修, Chernous P, 西村浩一
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 東京, Sep 24-27, 2008.鈴木貴, 根本征樹, 小杉健二, 望月重人, 佐藤威, 西村浩一
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 東京, Sep 24-27, 2008.竹内望, 藤田耕史, 岡本祥子, 直木和弘,奈良間千之,Aizen VB
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 東京, Sep 24-27, 2008.竹内由香里, 上石勲, 和泉薫, 河島克久, 山口悟, 宮崎伸夫, 平島寛行, 西村浩一, Podolskiy E, 鈴木貴
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 東京, Sep 24-27, 2008.山口悟, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 東京, Sep 24-27, 2008.山根尚文, 野中崇志, 柴山卓史, 高岸且, 藤田耕史
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 東京, Sep 24-27, 2008.Nuimura T, Fujita K, Yamaguchi S, Sharma R
Volume change estimation of glaciers in Khumbu Himal region using with multitemporal digital elevation model.
10th International Symposium on High Mountain Remote Sensing Cartography, Kathmandu, Nepal, Sep 2008.Podolskiy E, Chernous P, Abe O, Barashev N, Nishimura K
Experimental study of short-term loading influence on shear strength.
The ISSW08. Whistler, BC, Canada, Sep 21-27, 2008.Barashev N, Podolskiy E, Chernous P, Abe O, Nishimura K
Shear frame tests and their interpretation methods for assessment of snow stability on a mountain slope.
The XIV Glaciological Symposium, Irkutsk, Russia, Sep 2-9, 2008.Yamane N, Fujita K, Nonaka T, Shibayama, Takagishi S
Accuracy evaluation of DEM derived by TerraSAR-X data in the Himalayan region.
ISPRS International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Beijing, China, Jul 2008.Uetake J, Kohshima S, Takeuchi N, Fujita K, Narita H, Aizen V, Nakawo M
Yeast distribution in ice core from Russian Altai mountains.
The 3rd International Conference on Polar and Alpine Microbiology, Banff, Canada, May 2008.諸星敏一, 伊東明彦, 宮本潤, 藤田耕史
日本リモートセンシング学会平成20年度春季学術講演会, 横浜, May 2008.平沢尚彦, 劉発華, 藤田耕史
日本気象学会2008年度春季大会, 横浜, May 2008.本吉弘岐, 青木輝夫, 山内恭, 藤田耕史, 谷川朋範
日本気象学会2008年度春季大会, 横浜, May 2008.Fujita K
Effect of precipitation seasonality on glacier mass balance.
International Workshop on Mass Balance Measurements and Modelling, Skeikampen, Norway, Mar 2008.Narama C, Fujita K, Kajiura T, Abdrakhmatov K
Recent contribution of glacial meltwater in the Chon-Kyzylsuu river basin of Teskey Ala-Too range, Tien Shan mountains.
International Workshop on Mass Balance Measurements and Modelling, Skeikampen, Norway, Mar 2008.
2007 return to Top
Uetake J, Nakazawa F, Kohshima S, Miyake T, Narita H, Fujita K, Takeuchi N, Nakawo M
Biological ice core analysis in Russian Altai.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec 2007.Fujita K
A Rapid Shrinkage of glaciers in the Nepal Himalayas.
International Workshop on Recent Change of Climate and Cryosphere in Nepal Himalayas, Kathmandu, Nepal, Nov 2007.Nuimura T, Fukui K, Asahi K, Fujita K, Ageta Y
Surface Lowering and Flow Speed Decrease of Khumbu Glacier Detected from GPS Survey and ASTER-DEM, in Nepal Himalayas between 1995 and 2004.
International Workshop on Recent Change of Climate and Cryosphere in Nepal Himalayas, Kathmandu, Nepal, Nov 2007.松田好弘, 藤田耕史
極域気水圏シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 板橋区, Nov 2007.三宅隆之, 藤井理行, 東久美子, 飯塚芳徳, 五十嵐誠, 植村立, 河野美香, 佐藤和秀, 鈴木啓助, 鈴木利孝, 平林幹啓, 福岡孝昭, 藤田耕史, 堀川信一郎, 本山秀明, 吉田尚弘, 渡邉興亞
極域気水圏シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 板橋区, Nov 2007.岡本祥子, 藤田耕史, 成田英器, 植竹淳, 竹内望, 三宅隆之, 中澤文男
極域気水圏シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 板橋区, Nov 2007.植竹淳, 中澤文男, 幸島司郎, 三宅隆之, 成田英器, 藤田耕史, 竹内望, Aizen V, 中尾正義
極域気水圏シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 板橋区, Nov 2007.Zhang Y, Fujita K, Liu S
Glacier meltwater and runoff modelling, Keqicar Glacier, southwestern Tianshan, China.
極域気水圏シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 板橋区, Nov 2007.東久美子, 平林幹啓, 三宅隆之, 植村立, 河野美香, 本山秀明, 藤井理行, 飯塚芳徳, 堀川信一郎, 鈴木利孝, 五十嵐誠, 佐藤和秀, 鈴木啓助, 福岡孝昭, 藤田耕史, 吉田尚弘, 渡邉興亜
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 富山, Sep 2007.三宅隆之, 藤井理行, 東久美子, 飯塚芳徳, 五十嵐誠, 植村立, 河野美香, 佐藤和秀, 鈴木啓助, 鈴木利孝, 平林幹啓, 福岡孝昭, 藤田耕史, 堀川信一郎, 本山秀明, 吉田尚弘, 渡邉興亜
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 富山, Sep 2007.縫村崇行, 藤田耕史
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 富山, Sep 2007.岡本祥子, 藤田耕史, 成田英器, 植竹淳, 竹内望, 三宅隆之, 中澤文男
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 富山, Sep 2007.坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史, 奈良間千之, 窪田順平
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 富山, Sep 2007.坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史, 奈良間千之, 窪田順平, 姚檀棟
水文・水資源学会, 名古屋, Jul 2007.Fujita K
Effect of precipitation seasonality on glacier mass balance.
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Perugia, Italy, Jul 2007.Fujita K
Inter-annual variability of d-T relation at Dome Fuji, east Antarctica.
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Perugia, Italy, Jul 2007.Kohno M, Fujii Y, Fujita K, Fujita S, Goto-Azuma K, Hondo T, Horikawa S, Igarashi M, Iizuka Y, Kameda T, Miyamoto A, Motoyama H, Suzuki K, Suzuki T, Takata M, Watanabe O
Tephra study on a 3035.22-m deep ice core from Dome Fuji, Antarctica.
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Perugia, Italy, Jul 2007.Matsuda Y, Fujita K
Sensitivity of glaciers in the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau to global warming.
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Perugia, Italy, Jul 2007.Naito N, Suzuki R, Matsuda Y, Ageta Y, Fujita K, Iwata S, Yamda T, Furuta T, Yabuki H, Karma
Glacier shrinkages and attendant expansions of glacial lakes in the Bhutan Himalayas.
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Perugia, Italy, Jul 2007.Fujita K
Ice core, tree ring and human lives.
Dirty, but Warm: Energy and Environment in Slavic Eurasia and Its Neighborhood, Sapporo, Japan, Jul 2007.Nuimura T, Fukui K, Asahi K, Fujita K, Ageta Y
Accumulation Decrease of Khumbu Glacier, Eastern Nepal.
ASTER Workshop, ERSDAC, Tokyo, Japan, Jun 2007.Fujita K
Glaciers probing 11-year solar cycle.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 2007.松田好弘, 藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 2007.縫村崇行, 福井幸太郎, 朝日克彦, 藤田耕史, 上田豊
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 2007.坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史, 奈良間千之
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 2007.竹内望, 三宅隆之, 中澤文男, 成田英器, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子, 中尾正義, 藤井理行, 段克勤, 姚檀棟
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 2007.植竹淳, 中澤文男, 幸島司郎, 藤田耕史, 竹内望, 三宅隆之, 成田英器, 鈴木啓助, 亀田貴雄, 藤井理行, 中尾正義
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 2007.
2006 return to Top
Fujita K
Inter-annual variability of δ-T relation in inland east Antarctica revealed by precipitation record at Dome Fuji.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec 2006.Matsuda Y, Sakai A, Fujita K
Effect of the penetration of solar radiation through surface snow cover on albedo of Jul 1st Glacier, China.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec 2006.Nuimura T, Fukui K, Asahi K, Fujita K, Ageta Y
Surface lowering and flow speed decrease of Khumbu Glacier detected from GPS survey and ASTER-DEM, in Nepal Himalayas between 1995 and 2004.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec 2006.Suzuki R, Fujita K, Ageta Y
Spatial distribution of thermal properties on debris-covered glaciers in the Himalayas derived from ASTER data.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec 2006.藤田秀二, 東久美子, 東信彦, 飯塚芳徳, 五十嵐誠, 亀田貴雄, 斎藤健, 庄子仁, 高田守昌, 田中洋一, 鈴木啓助, 鈴木利孝, 藤井理行, 藤田耕史, 古崎睦, 本堂武夫, 本山秀明, 渡辺興亜
極域気水圏・生物圏合同シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 板橋区, Nov 2006.三宅隆之, 植竹淳, 的場澄人, 坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史, 藤井理行, 姚檀棟, 中尾正義
極域気水圏・生物圏合同シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 板橋区, Nov 2006.樋山邦治, 藤田耕史, 上田豊, 飯田肇
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 秋田, Nov 2006.Akiyama T, Yamazaki Y, Wang G, Fujita K, Nakawo M, Kubota J, Konagaya Y
Accelerating human impacts on surface water-groundwater interaction in the Heihe River basin, northwestern China.
総合地球環境学研究所・第1回国際シンポジウム, 国際会館, 京都市, Oct 2006.三宅隆之, 竹内望, 中澤文男, 植竹淳, 成田英器, 藤田耕史, 中尾正義, 藤井理行, 段克勤, 姚檀棟
カラホトの環境と歴史に関する国際シンポジウム(黒水城人文与歴史国際学術討論会), 額済納旗, 内蒙古自治区, 中国, Sep 2006.坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史, 中尾正義, 姚檀棟
カラホトの環境と歴史に関する国際シンポジウム(黒水城人文与歴史国際学術討論会), 額済納旗, 内蒙古自治区, 中国, Sep 2006.竹内望, 中澤文男, 三宅隆之, 植竹淳, 成田英器, 藤田耕史, 中尾正義, 藤井理行, 段克勤, 姚檀棟
カラホトの環境と歴史に関する国際シンポジウム(黒水城人文与歴史国際学術討論会), 額済納旗, 内蒙古自治区, 中国, Sep 2006.Narama C, Fujita K, Kajiura T, Ormukov C, Abdrakhmatov K
Recent changes in the glacial meltwater due to glacier shrinkage in the Terskey-Alatoo range, Kyrgyz Republic.
International Symposium on Cryospheric Indicators of Global Change, International Glaciological Society, Cambridge, UK, Aug 2006.Kobayashi O, Zhang QB, Nakatsuka T, Fujita K, Kato Y.
Climate response of several tree species growing at the Qilian Mountains, China.
7th International Conference on Dendrochronology, Cultural Diversity and Environmental Variability, Beijing, China, Jun 2006.Fujita K, Suzuki R
Assessment of topography using ASTER-DEM around glacial lakes in the high Himalayas.
ASTER Workshop, ERSDAC, Tokyo, Japan, Jun 2006.藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 2006.藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 2006.松田好弘, 坂井亜規子, 藤田耕史
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 2006.鈴木亮平, 上田豊, 藤田耕史, 坂井亜規子, 内藤望, 矢吹裕伯
ASTER データを利用したヒマラヤのデブリ氷河における融解速度の推定.
日本地球惑星科学連合大会, 幕張, May 2006.Fujita K, Kurita N, Yamaguchi S, Hashimoto S, Sakai A, Sato A
Sublimation experiment from isotopically different snow.
International Workshop on the Isotope Effects in Evaporation, Pisa, Italy, May 2006.Fujita K
Effect of precipitation seasonality on glacier mass balance.
The state and fate of Asian Cryosphere, 1st Asia CliC Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, Apr 2006.Matsuda Y, Sakai A, Pu J, Fujita K
Production of porous ice on glacier surface and its contribution to albedo and mass balance of Jul 1st glacier, China.
The state and fate of Asian Cryosphere, 1st Asia CliC Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, Apr 2006.Narama C, Fujita K
Recent changes of the glacial meltwater in the Terskey-Alatoo range, Kyrgyz Republic.
The state and fate of Asian Cryosphere, 1st Asia CliC Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, Apr 2006.Sakai A, Fujita K, Nakawo M, Yao T
Reconstruction of glacier runoff from long-term climatic record in the arid region of China.
The state and fate of Asian Cryosphere, 1st Asia CliC Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, Apr 2006.Suzuki R, Ageta Y, Fujita K, Naito N, Sakai A, Yabuki H, Karma
Estimating melt pattern on debris-covered glaciers in the Himalayas using ASTER data.
The state and fate of Asian Cryosphere, 1st Asia CliC Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, Apr 2006.Yamaguchi S, Fujita K, Sakai A
Response of glaciers under various precipitation conditions.
The state and fate of Asian Cryosphere, 1st Asia CliC Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, Apr 2006.奈良間千之, 藤田耕史, 梶浦岳
日本地理学会, 埼玉, Mar 2006.Uetake J, Kohshima S, Nakazawa F, Takeuchi N, Fujita K, Fujii Y, Nakawo M
Biological ice core analysis in the Belukha Glacier, Altai mountains, Russia.
International Conference on Alpine and Polar Microbiology at Innsbruck, Austria, Mar 2006.Narama C, Fujita K, Kajiura T, Ormukov C, Abdrakhmatov K
Recent changes in the glacial meltwater in the Terskey-Alatoo range, Kyrgyz Republic.
GLIMS/SIRG Workshop, Twizel, New Zealand, Feb 2006.Suzuki R, Ageta Y, Fujita K, Sakai A, Naito N
Estimate on melt rates of debris-covered glaciers in the Himalayas using ASTER data.
GLIMS/SIRG Workshop, Twizel, New Zealand, Feb 2006.
2005 return to Top
Fujita K
Stable isotopes in precipitation and frost during the wintering at Dome Fuji, east Antarctica 2003.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec 2005.高橋繁洋, 藤田耕史, 上田豊, 坂井亜規子, 松田好弘, 竹内望, 植竹淳
中国Jul 1st氷河における, 雪氷面の汚れがアルベドに与える影響についての考察.
極域気水圏シンポジウム, 国立極地研究所, 板橋区, Nov 2005.Sakai A
Role of glacier runoff in the Heihe Basin.
RIHN Pre-Symposium, The 2nd stage, Oasis Project Workshop, Kyoto, Japan, Oct 2005.藤田耕史
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 旭川, Sep 2005.藤田耕史
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 旭川, Sep 2005.樋山邦治, 藤田耕史, 上田豊, 飯田肇
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 旭川, Sep 2005.松田好弘, 藤田耕史, 上田豊, 坂井亜規子
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 旭川, Sep 2005.三宅隆之, 藤井理行, 中澤文男, 植竹淳, 竹内望, 藤田耕史, 中尾正義
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 旭川, Sep 2005.本吉弘岐, 青木輝夫, 谷川朋範, 堀雅裕, 門崎学, 藤田耕史, 平沢尚彦, 山内恭
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 旭川, Sep 2005.内藤望, 鈴木亮平, 松田好弘, 上田豊, 藤田耕史, 山田知充, Karma
2002~2004年ブータンのルゲ, トルトミ両氷河の対照的変動にみられた氷河湖拡大と氷河縮小とのフィードバック.
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 旭川, Sep 2005.鈴木亮平, 上田豊, 藤田耕史
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 旭川, Sep 2005.竹内望, 中尾正義, 三宅隆之, 藤井理行, 成田英器, 中澤文男, 藤田耕史, 段克勤, 姚檀棟
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 旭川, Sep 2005.植竹淳, 幸島司郎, 三宅隆之, 中澤文男, 竹内望, 三宅隆之, 藤田耕史, 中尾正義
アルタイ山脈, ベルーハ氷河における雪氷微生物を用いたアイスコア解析.
日本雪氷学会全国大会, 旭川, Sep 2005.Aizen VB, Aizen EM, Joswiak DI, Fujita K, Takeuchi N, Kreutz KJ, Nikitin SA
Climatic and atmospheric circulation pattern variability from ice-core isotope/geochemicstry records (Altai, Tien Shan and Tibet).
International Symposium on High-Elevation Glaciers and Climate Records, International Glaciological Society, Lanzhou, China, Sep 2005.Fujita K
Vulnerable Himalayan glaciers.
International Symposium on High-Elevation Glaciers and Climate Records, International Glaciological Society, Lanzhou, China, Sep 2005.Matsuda Y, Fujita K, Ageta Y, Sakai A
Estimating transmissivity of solar radiation for glacier mass balance modeling in the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau.
International Symposium on High-Elevation Glaciers and Climate Records, International Glaciological Society, Lanzhou, China, Sep 2005.Miyake T, Nakazawa F, Sakugawa N, Takeuchi N, Fujita K, Ohta K, Nakawo M
Concentrations and source variations of n-alkanes in a 21 m ice core and snow samples at Belukha Glacier, Russian Altai Mountains.
International Symposium on High-Elevation Glaciers and Climate Records, International Glaciological Society, Lanzhou, China, Sep 2005.Naito N, Suzuki R, Matsuda Y, Ageta Y, Fujita K, Yamada T, Karma
Contrastive variations of Lugge and Thorthormi Glaciers in the Bhutan Himalayas ? Effect of a huge proglacial lake to the glacier shrinkage.
International Symposium on High-Elevation Glaciers and Climate Records, International Glaciological Society, Lanzhou, China, Sep 2005.Nakazawa F, Fujita K
Reconstructing of mean summer air temperature variations with an ice cores from summer-accumulation type glaciers.
International Symposium on High-Elevation Glaciers and Climate Records, International Glaciological Society, Lanzhou, China, Sep 2005.Pu J, Yao T, Tian L, Zhang Y, Ageta Y, Fujita K
Mass balance on Xiao Dongkemadi Glacier.
International Symposium on High-Elevation Glaciers and Climate Records, International Glaciological Society, Lanzhou, China, Sep 2005.Takeuchi N, Uetake J, Fujita K, Aizen VB, Nikitin S
A snow algal community on Akkem Glacier in the Russian Altai Mountains.
International Symposium on High-Elevation Glaciers and Climate Records, International Glaciological Society, Lanzhou, China, Sep 2005.Uetake J, Kohshima S, Nakazawa F, Takeuchi N, Fujita K, Fujii Y, Nakawo M
Biological ice core analysis in the Belukha Glacier, Altai mountains, Russia.
International Symposium on High-Elevation Glaciers and Climate Records, International Glaciological Society, Lanzhou, China, Sep 2005.Yoshimura Y, Kohshima S, Takeuchi N, Seko K, Fujita K
Snow algae in a Himalayan ice core: new environmental markers for ice core analyses and their correlation with summer mass balance.
International Symposium on High-Elevation Glaciers and Climate Records, International Glaciological Society, Lanzhou, China, Sep 2005.Sakai A, Fujita K, Nakawo M, Duan KQ, Yao TD, Thompson LG, Narama C
Reconstruction of glacier runoff using ice core data since the 1600s, northwest China.
PAGES (Past Global Changes) Second Open Science Meeting, Beijing, China, Aug 2005.Suzuki R, Ageta Y, Fujita K
ASTER data utilization for revealing the mechanisms of glacier lakes development in the Himalayas.
ASTER Workshop, ERSDAC, Tokyo, Japan, Jun 2005.Fujita K
Characteristics and sensitivities on climate change of runoff from a cold-type glacier on the Tibetan Plateau.
Science Assembly, VIIth International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, Apr 2005.Sakai A, Fujita K, Nakawo M, Matsuda Y, Duan K, Pu J, Yao T
Reconstruction of discharge from glaciers since the 1600s in Qilian Mountains, China.
Science Assembly, VIIth International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, Apr 2005.奈良間千之, 藤田耕史, 梶浦岳
キルギス共和国, カラバトカック氷河の融雪量.
日本地理学会, 東京, Mar 2005.