
Glacier Photo - Terms of Use

Photos in this site are freely available. Please note the followings.

  • In case of personal use, no contact is required.
  • If the photos are used in any products, please e-mail to us. (cozy at nagoya-u dot jp)
  • Quote a credit "Cryosphere Research Laboratory, Nagoya University".
  • Send one copy of product.
  • Send PDF file in case of large size poster or presentation files.
  • Photos available now

  • Pair Photos of Himalayan Glaciers and Glacial Lakes
  • Glacier AX010, Shorong region, Nepal updated
  • Yala Glacier, Langtang region, Nepal
  • Glaciers in Lunana region, Bhutan
  • Rikha Samba Glacier, Hidden Valley, Nepal coming soon